Twitter form plugin

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  • Introduction​

    The twitter plugin allows you to send tweets from your Fabrik Forms. It requires a minimum of PHP 5.5



    • Consumer key - Set up your twitter application here then enter the supplied consumer key here. This key along with the 'consumer secret key' form your application's the identification credentials"
    • Consumer secret key - Set up your twitter application here then enter the supplied consumer secret key here. This key along with the 'consumer secret key' form your application's the identification credentials"
    • Message Element - The element on your form which contains the message text to update twitter with. Leave this blank if you want to use a Tweet Template instead"
    • Tweet template - This is the text that is sent to twitter. Use {tablename___elementname} Placeholders to insert the form's data into the tweet. Only used if the Message Element has an empty selection"This MUST be an unique message so MUST include a placeholder. Otherwise you get this error message
    403;: Status is a duplicate

    • Show success message - If we successfuly send a tweet, show we add a notification message to the page informing user of success"
    • Login - OPTIONAL - if both login and API key are specified, all URL's found in your tweet will be bitlyfied. To obtain your API credentials, go to"
    • Associate an account - Press the 'sign in' button to associate your account with this form. When the form is submitted the twitter message will be posted to this account. Leave blank or clear to enable the user submitting the form to post to their own twitter account."
    • API Key - OPTIONAL - if both login and API key are specified, all URL's found in your tweet will be bitlyfied. To obtain your API credentials, go to"
    • OAuth secret token - Auto filled in when you have successfully associated an account
    • User - This is the current user you have associated the form's twitter plug-in with. All messages created when the form is submitted will be posted to this account"

    Setting Up Your Twitter Application​

    Sign into the twitter developer site (
    Then go to

    If you have not done so create your application

    Then edit it and under Settings > Settings Tab > Application Type > Access Level > select at least "Read and Write". And, most importantly, set the Callback URL. I was able to just use my domain without any other parameters. Then update these settings.

    Next go Details Tab > Your Access Token > Recreate My Access Token. Make sure that the Access Level updates to reflect any changes. Then copy the updated information into the twitter plugin on your form.