How to display two fileds(data) from cascading dropdown matched ID


Hi all,

As per my form above, Country > States > Municipal/Town are working good. However, inside Town table, there is another element call Postcode that I want to show/display along selection of Town.
May I know how to do that?

In other words, when I select Town, Postcode will selected and appear/display together because it is in the same table and same ID.

Thank you,
Simplest way would be to add a second CDD, which displays it.

Or you could use the 'autofill' form plugin, instead of CDD's.

-- hugh
Simplest way would be to add a second CDD, which displays it.

Or you could use the 'autofill' form plugin, instead of CDD's.

-- hugh

Hi CheeseGrits,

Thank you for your reply and suggestion.
I tried to apply the same idea that you mention here, but since the postcode and the town reside in the same db table and row, it wont appear until the town being selected.
When I select states, town dropdown box will list out all town under states.
Set the postcode CDD to watch the town.

Or maybe just one element "town with postcode" would do what you need?
In this case you can use the "or concat label" field to concat town and postcode.
Set the postcode CDD to watch the town.

Or maybe just one element "town with postcode" would do what you need?
In this case you can use the "or concat label" field to concat town and postcode.

Hi Troester,

Thank you for your suggestion.
I also did try CDD from Postcode element to watch the Town table. Since, the data is resides in the same table, the output is resulting a loops(keep searching). While CONCAT label only provide showing the Postcode as a text inside Town field box.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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