• Fabrik4.5.1 for Joomla5.2.4

    Fabrik4.5.1 is out. This update is needed for J!5.2.4

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  • G'day Sir,

    I've noticed that there are still updates going on even though the project is officially not continuing. Are you involved in a Fabrik 4 fork? I reached out to Robbie to offer any help that I could and asked that she pass along my contact info to whoever was taking up that challenge. This project is way too amazing to let it die!
    I have not received any registration mail. I think my user has an error space in the login. I think that may be the error. Please help me to correct my login.
    Hi, I have a problem with my user
    Log in by username:Username does not exist"
    Remember user:Remind Failed:This user is blocked.If this is an error, please contact....
    Remember password:Failed to reset password: This user is locked out. If this is an error, ..
    Fabrik account:Oops.... The page you're looking for seems to be missing
    However,I can log in to the forums with my e-mail address correctly.Help me Please
    Small typo with latest Fabrik 3.10. Missing space in popup after "saving to" when using Export CSV.
    IN fr-FR.com_fabrik.ini : a misplaced string %s in translation :
    COM_FABRIK_CONFIRM_DELETE="Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer les enregistrements %s ?" to
    COM_FABRIK_CONFIRM_DELETE="Êtes-vous sûr(e) de vouloir supprimer les %s enregistrements ?"

    COM_FABRIK_LIST_NO_DATA_MSG="Pas d'enregistrements" should be singular
    COM_FABRIK_LIST_NO_DATA_MSG="Pas d'enregistrement"
    Hi. I saw that you created a plugin for a sitemap generator for Joomla, that retireves links from Fabrik. Can you help me? I installed OSMaps but Fabrik links are not shown. Is there a plugin for that problem, or another plugin that solves this problem. Many thanks
    Since update to 3.9.2 , in the form-plugin email I miss the fields for CC and BCC to.
    Cascadingdropdown does not show result when looking at fields containing commas, it only works when looking in fields that do not contain commas.
    I have been looking for answers in the forum but have not found anything about it.
    What I can do?
    yes please anyone can help
    Hi and thanks.
    In the end I decided to remove the commas in the table fields and there are no more problems.
    Now I want a registered user to be able to see and edit the data that he entered, but I can't get it to work.
    Hey there long time no see!
    I have a Rapid Deployment Project for an Not-for-profit 501c3 organization that has started up a Community rapid N95 Cover / Mask Production supply chain for Hospitals , First Responders and Essential workers. We have created a network of suppliers of the mask components and pre-sewing activities with a resource pool (continued) in next post

    I am Praveen

    We need to put file upload element validation to restrict file uploads by checking file content (not file name extension) and permit only pdf files.

    Can you pl help us.

    I am looking for a similar solution. I need to validate a csv upload (number of fields, rows, delimeter...) and import csv into databaseupon upload. Currently working on it.
    Hi. I am new to Fabrik. I have been searching for tutorials, but this link is no longer active. http://fabrikar.com/help/tutorials. It makes it hard for someone new like me to start customizing the form. Could you help to point to the direction where to find the tutorial for customizing the form and the list?
    Any suggestions for somebody who can help me move my FAB to the next level? I am working on an event lineup app and need to to add some php and sql to combine the right info and create links to photos and bio pages. I really would like someone that could help me get my head around it not just do it. I'm looking for some consulting.
    PS: Is Fabrik going to make the leap to J4?
    Hi. Was trying to pay for foum support because i need some help. Is it not possible to do this ?
    hi I would need your paid support, I would have jobs to offer him for some sites / projects
    my account skype info@risveglio.tv . if it is not available, please tell me someone who can collaborate, because otherwise I am forced to abandon fabrik
    Hello, My user name is Docor2 Login now sorted, the email had been filtered out on my server prior to the email handler. Many thanks, keep up the good work.
    Hello, My user name is Docor2 as I have not used the site for a long time I have re-registered but the system has not sent me an email so I am unable to log into the main site please could you ask the admin team to have a look. Many thanks.
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