SOLVED: Date vs Jdate element


Well-Known Member

How future proof is the old date element? Would it be a good idea to use jdate for new projects, but current ones are ok with the old element for "some" time? And with Joomla 4 the old date element would still function?

Would it be a good idea to use jdate for new projects, but current ones are ok with the old element for "some" time?
Sounds like a good idea, indeed. Just don't use date and jdate simultaneously.

And with Joomla 4 the old date element would still function?
Don't expect much "old" to function with J! 4 - if anything at all. Plus, allow plenty of time still before you'll be able to do with J! 4 what you can do with J! 3 today.
Would it be a good idea to use jdate for new projects
The new jdate doesn't have (at least until now) the "Allow date" functionality (= restrict selectable dates in the calendar widget). So as always: it depends...
Still one issue with this. For some reason calendar (day names, today, clear...) is not displayed in local language. Checked that the translations exist in language files, but not showing in calendar :(
Thanks Hugh and Troester for checking this!

That is strange. When I set both list and form format like "d F Y", the date is displayed in list and detail view in local language like "28 Märts 2019". But in form view it's still displayed like "28 March 2019". And the calendar popup has also month and day names in English. :confused:


  • detail-view.png
    4 KB · Views: 99
  • list-view.png
    7.5 KB · Views: 105
  • form-view.png
    34.6 KB · Views: 92
...and when I set range filter to date element in list view, then the selected dates and calendar popup is also in English and not localized.
I just installed Estonian (tööl alates is Estonian, right?) and yes, it seems these language strings are missing there.
I assume it's in a jdates JS (library?) file.
As far as I can see you must create media\system\js\fields\calendar-locales\et.js
(and send it to Joomla;))
Thanks Troester! That was it. Wouldn't have thought of that separate js file for language strings.
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