list filter not showing recorded data or all with dbjoins when using "Joins where"


Hello ,
I am using dbjoin element with this setting:
Joins where and/or order by statement (SQL) :
WHERE {thistable}.`id`
IN ( SELECT class.dayn FROM class  WHERE class.enable=1 AND class.capacity > class.current AND = '{rtable___cname_raw}')
Apply where to :BOTH
AJAX Update:Yes
The problem is: list filter not showing recorded data or "all" with dbjoins
But it showing recorded data If I set Apply where to:Edit .
If I set Apply where to:Both or New the list filter not showing any data .
Note: the problem is only in list filter . dbjoins show all data in form edit or new
Joins where is also applied to the filter; I think in the filter query {rtable___cname_raw} is not defined and new/edit/both settings don't make sense in list view.
For the filter you can override the "Joins where" with "Filter Where"
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