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fabrik 3.10 no download

did you try to Logout and in again , clear browser cache, use an other browser?

Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
Reset password failed: This user is blocked. If this is an error, please contact an administrator.

I have tried to create a new user
and also recover the password...
and it tells me to contact administrator

Thank you
did you try to Logout and in again , clear browser cache, use an other browser?

Gesendet von meinem SM-G930F mit Tapatalk
If I create a new user...
it also gives me an error.
Thanks again

Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail


An error was encountered while sending the registration email. A message has been sent to the administrator of this site.
Hmm... something seems to be wrong with the email function of the main site where the downloads are.
Yup, then "reset password" won't work, indeed. And you may also be unable to create a new user on the main site.

However, not 200% sure, but you should be able to log in at https://fabrikar.com/downloads with the same username and password as here in the forum -- at least that's the case for me... though it could also be just coincidence that I'm using the same credentials in both "worlds".
Well, if both forum and main site are sharing the same user data, then obviously your account shouldn't be blocked and you have those credentials... otherwise you couldn't post here. Have you tried this?
Last edited:
Hmm... something seems to be wrong with the email function of the main site where the downloads are.
Yup, then "reset password" won't work, indeed. And you may also be unable to create a new user on the main site.

However, not 200% sure, but you should be able to log in at https://fabrikar.com/downloads with the same username and password as here in the forum -- at least that's the case for me... though it could also be just coincidence that I'm using the same credentials in both "worlds".
Well, if both forum and main site are sharing the same user data, then obviously your account shouldn't be blocked and you have those credentials... otherwise you couldn't post here. Have you tried this?
yes I have tried with the same user and password of the forum
and it gives me the following error
Login error! You have not activated your account.

I have to say that the password is 8 digits without numbers or characters...

thanks for your attention.
I have the same problem. Cannot fully create a new user because the fabrikar.com website is not able to send the email with the activation link:
Could not execute: /usr/sbin/sendmail

so I cannot activate my account, so I cannot download fabrik.

For some reasons, the users that are not activated can log in and post in the forum. But they can't log in on https://fabrikar.com/member-login :
Login error! You have not activated your account.