select special view with cascadingdropdown

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I created an element 'cascadinddropdown' called
'Coup de main propos? : Soutien scolaire' (

In the parameter 'Watch' of my element CascadingDropDown I linked it to element "Niveau d'?ducation" ( a simple 'databasejoin' to a field 'level study' table 'plateforme_niveauScolaire' (see picture attached: cascading2.
This element (Niveau d'?tude) is in a form : of type radio list.
So I would like when l click on the option of element 'List radio 'Niveau d'?tude" the element cascadinddropdown display only some of the entries because only one appears whatever our choice ...
is this really a Fabrik 3.0 (for J! 2.5) question, or should I move it to the 3.1/2 (for J! 3.x) forum?

All your other questions have been for 3.1/2.

-- hugh
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