CDD concat length limitation

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I have a CDD concat like this (CDD rendered as checkbox) :
'<a href="index.php?option=com_fabrik&view=details&formid=16&rowid=', {thistable}.id, '&Itemid=218"><img src="', {thistable}.img_main_activite, '">', {thistable}.nom_activite, '</a>'

The concat is working if there is 1 value rendered (1 value selected for the element), but it cuts the rendered html in detail view when there is more than 1 value.

For example, this is a concat result with 2 values :
<ul class="fabrikRepeatData">
<a href="index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=details&amp;formid=16&amp;rowid=7&amp;Itemid=218">
<img src="/images/activites/Cape-of-Good-Hope-view-from-Cape-Point-69-1432559985.jpg">Visite du Cap de Bonne-Esp?rance
<a href="index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=details&amp;formid=16&amp;rowid=8&amp;Itemid=218">
<img span12"="" row-transports="" src="/images/activites/P1060465_Long_Beach__N&lt;/li&gt;&lt;/ul&gt;        &lt;/div&gt;  &lt;div class=">


See how the rendered html is right for the first link and broken after the second link... ?

Thanks for any help !
I don't think it's a length limitation, something is mixed up
<img span12"="" row-transports="" src="/images/activites/P1060465_Long_Beach__N

Is this in list view? details view?
You're right, <div class="row-transports span12"> is what comes after this element in the template.

This is in detail view
Edit : oops sorry, this element is in a list view (list called by content plugin in a detail template)
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Try enabling "Big selects", in the global Fabrik options (button top right of any backend tab).

Sounds like you've hit the GROUP_CONCAT_MAX_LEN issue in MySQL, which defaults to 1024 characters, so the result of a CONCAT_WS() gets truncated. Setting "Enable big selects" in our options will raise that to 10k, as well as enal bing big selects.

-- hugh
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