Checkbox change value in databasejoin element


In complicated form in first group i have displayonly databasejoin element "Your registration status" (this element is displayonly because status can change only admin). Only on status id=3 users can edit record. Other status block edit by caneditrow listplugin.
On last group i have checkbox "I finish - send to verification" (it have value =1).​

Question - when user tick checbox and save record, i want to change registration status to id=4. How i can do that? Maybe not through the checkbox, maybe through the button?
Best to do that with a PHP form submission plugin, running onBeforeProcess.

Something like ...

if (is_array($formModel->formData['yourtable___checkbox']) && in_array('1', $formModel->formData['yourtable___checkbox']) {
   $formModel->updateFormData('yourtable___status', array('4'), true);

Change the full element names as appropriate.

-- hugh
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