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  1. G

    table view, button to change YesNo field value

    Hi, I would like to use this plugin. Which one it is? Bye and thanks
  2. G

    Tutoriales Fabrik 3.X en espa?ol (Spanish)

    icschiavi, me alegra ver otro compa?ero fabrikarista del mundo Hispano. Yo por lo pronto solo trabajo con fabrik 2, no me atrevo con la nueva versi?n, aunque se ve que es mas patente. Estamos en contacto
  3. G

    Humble request

    Ok. I just saw the balsamiq-fabrik video.
  4. G

    Humble request

    Hi, I downloaded the balsammiq plugin and tried to use it on 2.0.4 but when importing my xml it gave me some errors. I guess the fields or components used inside balsamiq should be of a proper type or have speciall names. ?is there a guide how to use balsamiq for fabrik?
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