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  1. O

    Can I use php code in fabrik content plugin?

    Hi! Can I use php code in fabrik content plugin, like this: ?tablename1___elementname1[value][]=$currentyear&tablename1___elementname2[value][]=$currentquarter ? And before this code I want to use Sourcerer - a Joomla Plugin - for set $currentyear and for $currentquarter something...
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    Look, Please, install version 3.0.6 ( NOT!!!!!!! With I also have problems. Element type databasejoin not connecting to database correctly. And element type Fileupload not work correctly. I have joomla 2.5.6 with fabrik 3.0.6 (official release)...
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    Advanced search + databasejoin work at me. I look this filters not like field. I look this filters like dropdown. Maybe, when you created databasejoin element, you must choose option "Render join as" = "Drop-down" ?????
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    And if you want to use a pre-filter. filtered records, where table2___parent_id = 'Audi'??? it must be in List -> Data -> Pre-Filter: Field: table2___parent_id (label of this element) Condition: equals Value: 'Audi' Type: Text Apply to: your usergroup. (like Public). I...
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    explanation. I have table1.reporting_quarter type databasejoin with filter type Field. it's like your table2.parent_id databasejoin. Then important options of this table1.reporting_quarter is: Render join as: drop-down. Connection: site database Table...
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    I'm from Ukrane. Maybe my English isnot perfect. Look, I have the same databasejoin type filter by label. And it's work OK! But I use versions: Joomla! 2.5.6 Stable [ Ember ] 19-June-2012 14:00 GMT Fabrik 3.0.6 - more informations about...
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    If I write a query into database mysql then I use value. But in browser I see filter as label and to filter by label. That's all.;)
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    Acces to filter data on PHP

    life is great I found an answer on russian forum about multidimensional arrays. So, I want to get data from my filters. Firsterfull, I wrote var_dump($_POST); And I'll see my array of filters; array(20) { ["fabrik___filter"]=> array(1) { ["list_58_com_fabrik_58"]=> array(11) {...
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    Acces to filter data on PHP

    I need only syntax.
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    Acces to filter data on PHP

    Please, help me. Maybe you known. I need to det data (values) from filter (type - select, dropdown) on php and use it in the my_template/default.php.
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    Element Calculations Don't Update When I change Filters

    The problem is solved. Calculations didn't updated when the list was in article as content plugin. And wgen I do joomla menu item with list module, calculations are works.
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    Acces to filter data on PHP

    Please, help me. Acces to filter data on PHP. <select id="dbme_entity_performance___reporting_yearvalue" name="fabrik___filter[list_58_com_content_58][value][0]" class="inputbox fabrik_filter" size="1"> <option value="">???? ?????, ???????</option> <option value="2012"...
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    link (placeholder) to group ?

    maybe something filter?
  14. O

    link (placeholder) to group ?

    Yes, it's possible in list settings Group By -> Template you can write {placeholder} (like this {tablename___elementname}) Is this answer comes for you? Or not? Look at the picture below
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    Hello, can you help me? Please, look this thread

    Hello, can you help me? Please, look this thread
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    Element Calculations Don't Update When I change Filters

    Hello, I have a little problem. There is a Table1 with fields: table1___id, table1___year, table1___quarter, table1___groupname, table1___parameter1. In list Table1 I have Group By some field ({table1___groupname}). And I have an element Parameter1 ({table1___parameter1}) where there is...
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    Turn on logs in fabrik 3.0.6

    How can I turn on logs in Fabrik 3.0.6? Table prefix_fabrik_log in my database is empty. the file /logs/fabrik.log.php is only error log, but not all errors are there. How can I turn on logs in Fabrik 3.0.6?
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    Big Problem with update

    Hello. 19 september 2012. I was updated my fabrik in console of ubuntu with way: wget --no-check-certificate -O - | tar -zx --strip-components 1 current bulid of fabrik: And now I'm having a lot of...
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    send automaticly email when changed list or form.

    Hello, How can Fabrik 3.0.6 send automaticly email to email addresses when administrator changed the stucture of list or form? And in the letter must be information what list or form or element was changed? Is it possible?
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