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  1. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    Hi troester, I tried with Itemids, but don't work, because when you jump from link to link the Itemids not show in the body tag.
  2. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    Search ATLETA -> list of competitions in which he participated -> click on competition-> list of all participants in that competition it's a bit complicated to explain You can try here: with for example "Frangipani"
  3. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    Yes, one list with different views with a joined data! The only difference i found is the label (Competizione and Atleta)
  4. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    I try with add custom Css but hides the column "Competizione" in both views [list_4_com_fabrik_4] for the two view. This is the first view: (in this view I don't want the column COMPETIZIONE) and this the second: (in this view, I want the Competizione column, but not the Atleta column) the...
  5. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    I think like this: if (fabrik_elements.label == "Competizione:" ) { $class = "hide_column"; } ******* css .hide_column { .scheda_atleta___partecipazione_competizioni display:none; } But don't work
  6. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    Yes, I know, but I've two list with the same results and in a one of this (Competizione) I want hide the Competizione column and the difference is only the name of label.
  7. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    Is the label of the table in the list view. I want hide this column only in this view, because in the other view I want view this column. And the label is the only difference with the other views.
  8. F

    Hide a column only if a label is..

    Hide a column only if a label of list view is equal a data ( Competizione: ) if label == "Competizione:" hide column on the under table Is it possibile?
  9. F

    Change a part of Details View in a table..

    I have a lot of data, could it cause problems? Kindly, could you explain me better? Do I duplicate a group? Do I create a new group? Or do I select REPEAT in the group options?
  10. F

    Change a part of Details View in a table..

    I'd like to change a detail view page with a custom layout. I tried more solutions, but non working fine. This is the actual result: I would like the red part to be transformed into a table. |Sp_TES|Sp_PCS|Deduzioni Sp|Tot.SP|SP No|Fs_TES|Fs_PCS|Deduzioni Fp|TSS__|Pos.No| 0.00 0.00...
  11. F

    Database join question...

    is it correct? ...AS a WHERE...
  12. F

    Database join question...

    Athletes table - AT would you advise me to proceed with: $mydb->setQuery ("SELECT fs_score FROM scheda_atleta WHERE qualificazione = 1 AND athtlete_id = " . $mydb->Quote($myresult->athlete_id)) union ("SELECT fs_score FROM scheda_atleta WHERE qualificazione = 2 AND athtlete_id...
  13. F

    Database join question...

  14. F

    Database join question...

    comp1_result I've to get it with -> SELECT atleta, fs_score FROM scheda_atleta WHERE qualificazione = 1 AND athtlete_id = " . $mydb->Quote($myresult->athlete_id)); comp2_result --------------------->SELECT atleta, fs_score FROM scheda_atleta WHERE qualificazione = 2 AND athtlete_id = " ...
  15. F

    Database join question...

    I've tried to change <?php if($option['qualificazione'] == 1 ) { print_r($option['fs_score']); } else { print_r (["0"]); } ?> with (without ==) <?php if($option['qualificazione'] = 1 ) {...
  16. F

    Database join question...

    Hi Juuser, not change anything! If I use only <?php foreach( $options as $option ) { ?> <tr> <td>1</td> <td><?php print_r($option['atleta']); ?></td> <td><?php print_r($option['fs_score']); ?>...
  17. F

    Database join question...

    oook, I tried a new way for resolve this problem. With Sourcer plugin and this code: {source}<?php $db = JFactory::getDbo(); $query = $db->getQuery(true); $query->select($db->quoteName(array('fs_score','atleta','qualificazione',))) ->from($db->quoteName('scheda_atleta'))...
  18. F

    Database join question...

    Hi juuser, no problem! Thank you so much for your help!! I tried editing your code: For the player's name $mydb =& JFactory::getDBO(); $mydb->setQuery("SELECT at.*, scheda_atleta.* FROM at, scheda_atleta WHERE scheda_atleta.atleta = AND qualificazione = 1 order by categoria"); $myrow =...
  19. F

    Database join question...

    Yes, I've a players table with a Join "competition" and "results " table. The first bit of code is just a concept / example. This is the online view and this is the db result table I've tried your code, but not work, I think because must be group by "categoria" if...
  20. F

    Database join question...

    Hi juuser, I tried with pivot plugin, but i think that is not right way. Maybe "If else" function... if ('{table_player___competition}' == 1 OR 2 OR 3) return '{table_player___name_player}'; else return ' ' ; ---(Not work!)--- for every elemets and for the final rank I used: $a = (float)...
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