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500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list :


New Member
Hello there

I've built a simple Application with fabrik 3.2 (download Release without anything from GitHub) which runs perfectly on xampp/localhost.

By cloning the whole site (with akeeba kickstart) to the live-server, the only thing that doesnt work now is viewing and altering the fabrik-list which was setted up on the xampp-server.

In the Front- and Backend, no data of the this list can be viewed. The following message occurs while opening list views in frontend as well as in backend:

500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list :

Table 'DB1421724.fdv1_jahrestagungen' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`id` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___id`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`id` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___id_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`date_time` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___date_time`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`date_time` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___date_time_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`year` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___year`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`year` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___year_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`city` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___city`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`city` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___city_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`map_Adress` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___map_Adress`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`map_Adress` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___map_Adress_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`locations` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___locations`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`locations` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___locations_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`report` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___report`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`report` AS `fdv1_jahrestagungen___report_raw`,
`fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`id` AS slug
, `fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`id` AS `__pk_val`

FROM `fdv1_jahrestagungen`
ORDER BY `fdv1_jahrestagungen`.`id` DESC LIMIT 0, 100

Additionaly, Lists details can't be saved anymore. The lists details can be viewed in the backend but it's impossible to alter the list since restoring the whole site to the live-webserver:

Table 'DB1421724.fdv1_jahrestagungen' doesn't exist SQL=ALTER TABLE `fdv1_jahrestagungen` CHANGE `id` `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

System Information for xampp local server which runs fabrik without any problems:
PHP Built On
Windows NT VAIO 6.2 build 9200 (Windows 8 Home Premium Edition) i586
Database Version
Database Collation
PHP Version
Web Server
Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1g PHP/5.5.11
WebServer to PHP Interface
Joomla! Version
Joomla! 3.3.1 Stable [ Ember ] 11-June-2014 13:30 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version
Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0

Webserver for the Live-Site which has problems with viewing and altering the List from fabrik:

PHP Built On
SunOS localhost 5.10 Generic_142901-13 i86pc
Database Version
Database Collation
PHP Version
Web Server
Apache/2.2.29 (Unix)
WebServer to PHP Interface
Joomla! Version
Joomla! 3.3.1 Stable [ Ember ] 11-June-2014 13:30 GMT
Joomla! Platform Version
Joomla Platform 13.1.0 Stable [ Curiosity ] 24-Apr-2013 00:00 GMT
User Agent
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0

what can i do? any advice?
Hello troester,

i've refreshed the connection-setting right after moving to the the live site - so the problem lies somewhere else. All the details of the list can be viewed in the backend but not saved and all elements values cant be viewed in lists-views.
Not sure if its the same, but i get an error like this if i copy a list. When accessing the new list the errors shows up.
What i do is to open the list and save it again, and then it works.
Is it only one Fabrik list? Others are working?
Following stackoverflow it seems to be a MySQL issue.
You can try to copy this table in phpMyAdmin and then rename.
Is it only one Fabrik list? Others are working?
Following stackoverflow it seems to be a MySQL issue.
You can try to copy this table in phpMyAdmin and then rename.
so copy the table and rename it doesn't work. The copied table with corrected values (auto increments) just produces the same error message.

Finally i found a workaround makes the list running again on the live site:
  1. Clone the whole site with akeeba backup and kickstart to the live site
  2. delete all fabrik_tables via phpmyadmin oon the live server
  3. export all fabrik tables from the dev site as sql
  4. import these tables into the live site db.
  5. do the connection fot the live site
  6. update database for the form (i just do this but dont know if its relevant)
Values of the list ahve to exported as csv from the dev-site and imported in the list view that working again since steps 1-6 made
I never had any issue like this when copying a site via Akeeba.
The copied table with corrected values (auto increments)
To change ids (primary keys) will produce any sort of errors (all links via foreign keys etc will be wrong).

Are you sure there's not something broken with your data table already on your dev server?
Why do you have to export/import via CSV?
If a SQL export/import of this table isn't working then surely Akeeba can't work.
I have to export the values for the elements of the list and import then because the list is empty after step 6.
I'm sure that the db on dev site is ok. As mentioned before: the list on the live site is identical to the dev site, checked with phpmyadmin.
Values of the list ahve to exported as csv from the dev-site and imported in the list view
Why can't you export this data table via SQL?
Is the error only with this one list? Others are working?

Anyway: it doesn't seem to be a Fabrik issue but something going wrong with MySQL and/or Akeeba.
Thought I'd chime in... I'm about to update my site, but I wanted to test a backup beforehand. Good thing I did because I get the same error on any pages that have fabrik.

500 - Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list : <br /><br /><pre>Unknown column 'l9z8p_users.name' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `ref_exchange`.`id` AS `ref_exchange___id`, `ref_exchange`.`id` AS `ref_exchange___id_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`date_time` AS `ref_exchange___date_time`, `ref_exchange`.`date_time` AS `ref_exchange___date_time_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`Your_Name` AS `ref_exchange___Your_Name`, `ref_exchange`.`Your_Name` AS `ref_exchange___Your_Name_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_name` AS `ref_exchange___creator_name`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_name` AS `ref_exchange___creator_name_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`opportunity_value` AS `ref_exchange___opportunity_value`, `ref_exchange`.`opportunity_value` AS `ref_exchange___opportunity_value_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`recipient` AS `ref_exchange___recipient_raw`, `b8r9o_users`.`name` AS `ref_exchange___recipient`, `ref_exchange`.`first_name` AS `ref_exchange___first_name`, `ref_exchange`.`first_name` AS `ref_exchange___first_name_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`last_name` AS `ref_exchange___last_name`, `ref_exchange`.`last_name` AS `ref_exchange___last_name_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`phone_number` AS `ref_exchange___phone_number`, `ref_exchange`.`phone_number` AS `ref_exchange___phone_number_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`email` AS `ref_exchange___email`, `ref_exchange`.`email` AS `ref_exchange___email_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`ref_instructions` AS `ref_exchange___ref_instructions`, `ref_exchange`.`ref_instructions` AS `ref_exchange___ref_instructions_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`notes` AS `ref_exchange___notes`, `ref_exchange`.`notes` AS `ref_exchange___notes_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_id` AS `ref_exchange___creator_id`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_id` AS `ref_exchange___creator_id_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_groups` AS `ref_exchange___creator_groups`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_groups` AS `ref_exchange___creator_groups_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`swap_points` AS `ref_exchange___swap_points`, `ref_exchange`.`swap_points` AS `ref_exchange___swap_points_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`status` AS `ref_exchange___status`, `ref_exchange`.`status` AS `ref_exchange___status_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`closing_value` AS `ref_exchange___closing_value`, `ref_exchange`.`closing_value` AS `ref_exchange___closing_value_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_email` AS `ref_exchange___creator_email`, `ref_exchange`.`creator_email` AS `ref_exchange___creator_email_raw`, `ref_exchange`.`id` AS slug , `ref_exchange`.`id` AS `__pk_val` FROM `ref_exchange` WHERE ( ref_exchange.creator_groups = '8' ) ORDER BY `ref_exchange`.`date_time` DESC LIMIT 0, 50</pre>