A form in a List is it possible?


New Member

I have a booking form, and the superuser of the site wants to be able to respond to requests via the list in front end (to have an history of responses in front end)

Si I created another table named "responses" with fields "date, id, id_booking(field hidden), message(textarea)"
I joins the id field of the booking table with the field named id_booking in responses table.

But now... how to do ?

I think had a button "Reply" and on click the answer form is displayed
I can load another group or field but not another form
and second problem the id_booking don't take self the id of booking table

Anyone can help me?

Joomla 3.9.2
Fabrik 3.9
PHP version 7.2
Host OVH
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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