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add 3 rows element calc

I have created a “calc” element and it calculates me correctly, the values of each “id” or “row” that represents a year.
Is it possible that when consulting or editing the form you can have the totals for each year? (each year is a row, of the same person and with ID managers)
2017 + 2018 + 2019
Given that they are in the same table ...
In short, I need to add several rows with different IDs, which belong to the same person.
I hope I have explained ...


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I have created a “calc” element and it calculates me correctly, the values of each “id” or “row” that represents a year.
Is it possible that when consulting or editing the form you can have the totals for each year? (each year is a row, of the same person and with ID managers)
2017 + 2018 + 2019
Given that they are in the same table ...
In short, I need to add several rows with different IDs, which belong to the same person.
I hope I have explained ...
I have reviewed this link http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/calculation-element/ and I do not see clearly that you can use element "calc" to add several elements of several rows of the same table.
let's see if you could give me an idea ... to continue researching ...
if I had not explained myself well ... I would look to send a more clarifying example.
Thanks again!!

I enclose an example ... I feel that I have not explained myself well anyway.
I have 2 rows in a list. And I correctly add in a row the elements that I want using “calc”
But I can't add an element of a row "id10" + another element of the row "id11"
What are the elements of several different rows (years 2018 and 2019)
Example “annual deute (id10) + annual deute (id11) = SUMA DEUTE
Example “240 + 30 = 270
I have also thought, in creating a while, so that it traverses the data of the total columns and accumulates them ... but I just did not see it clearly ... I would greatly appreciate any ideas !!
Let's see if with this example, you can indicate me some idea, to be able to advance a little
A million thanks…



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You can use calc elements for this again, this time with SQL queries summing up column values of rows depending on your WHERE clause.
Of course, they'll display in every row, but with some clever row classes and CSS you could hide the "duplicates".

There may be different ways depending on your table structure. But if all relevant data lives in one and the same table, then I guess this is the way to go.
Of course, they'll display in every row, but with some clever row classes and CSS you could hide the "duplicates".
Well, as opposed to hiding duplicates, of course you could also use a condition which only returns the sum e.g. if the year element is equal to the current calendar year.
You can use calc elements for this again, this time with SQL queries summing up column values of rows depending on your WHERE clause.
Of course, they'll display in every row, but with some clever row classes and CSS you could hide the "duplicates".

There may be different ways depending on your table structure. But if all relevant data lives in one and the same table, then I guess this is the way to go.

thanks to your comment ...
I created this code ...

$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
$query->where($db->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat')." = ".$db->quote($value));

$column= $db->loadColumn();

I get a 500 error from the query ...

500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list Impagats: <br />
Do you observe any syntax errors ...?
say that I am not a database expert ...
Thanks for helping me get closer to my dilemma.
the table is called "gpimpagats" and the row element is called "gp_imp_cuotaimpagat"
I think I'm not doing the query well ...

I also think that it would not be necessary to write the "where" statement because in principle I want to get all the values of the "gp_imp_cuotaimpagat" columns

could you do without the where clause?
I get the feeling ... I'm getting to success.
Thank you.
Try this -- after replacing Fabrik element and DB columns with yours:

$expedient = '{table___name_element}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('column_name_of_expedient').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;

Syntax: https://docs.joomla.org/Selecting_data_using_JDatabase
As per Wiki it's recommended to use "$mydb" or else; not just "$db" as that may cause trouble in Fabrik.
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You probably figured it out already... I forgot a closing bracket in the $query->from line.
Sorry. Updated it in my last post here above.
Try this -- after replacing Fabrik element and DB columns with yours:

$expedient = '{table___name_element}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('column_name_of_expedient').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;

Syntax: https://docs.joomla.org/Selecting_data_using_JDatabase
As per Wiki it's recommended to use "$mydb" or else; not just "$db" as that may cause trouble in Fabrik.

I still can't get it.

$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;

I get this error ... 0 syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file
I have reviewed ... and tried several changes and nothing ...

I have also looked to remove this line ... to limit errors
// $ query-> where ($ mydb-> quoteName ('gpimpagats ___ gp_imp_cuotaimpagat'). '='. $ mydb-> quote ($ expedient));
And it gives me the same mistake.

I have doubts about the data I should have to write in the fields marked in red ...
I begin to be confused and thick.

explanatory summary
database name (I understand that it should not be written)
table name "gpimpagats"
element name of the rows to SUM "gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat"

I also attach another image ... of the elements ... to clarify

thank you thank you for the time spent ...


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In the WHERE clause you must not use the Fabrik placeholder nomenclature but the DB table name.
So, all corrected, this should work:
$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;

This is assuming that "gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat" is the name element (if it is but doesn't work, try "gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw").
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I've tried too ...
with gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw
and still giving error 0 syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting end of file

$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;
no _raw here (this is not Fabrik but the DB column name)
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));

You may have to use _raw with the element placeholder
$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw}';
Thanks @troester ... I didn't see that in OP's post.
$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;
It tastes really bad ...
but still not working ... error 500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list Impagats: <br />
I'm sorry...
This is the definitive code ...
I'm about to throw in the towel ...
Thanks for the patience + dedication + speed!

$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;

no _raw here (this is not Fabrik but the DB column name)
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));

You may have to use _raw with the element placeholder
$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw}';
For debugging:
In Fabrik Options/Debugging set "Allow Fabrik debug" =yes and then add &fabrikdebug=1 to your URL, this should display the complete SQL error message.

in your code do
echo $query; exit;
(before $mydb->setQuery )
this should display the generated query on a blank page
For debugging:
In Fabrik Options/Debugging set "Allow Fabrik debug" =yes and then add &fabrikdebug=1 to your URL, this should display the complete SQL error message.

in your code do
echo $query; exit;
(before $mydb->setQuery )
this should display the generated query on a blank page

I have added the following
echo $query; exit;
&fabrikdebug=1 in my URL

for the record, I am trying to follow your steps ... and recommendations.
I really appreciate it ...

PS .: Could you send me a simple and simple query ... ??
to show a single field for example ...
I'm about to say, it doesn't work either ...

Thanks again

and it shows me a totally blank page.
$expedient = '{gpimpagats___gp_imp_cuotaimpagat_raw}';
// get "deute anual" sum
$mydb = JFactory::getDbo();
$query = $mydb->getQuery(true);
$query->where($mydb->quoteName('gp_imp_cuotaimpagat').' = '.$mydb->quote($expedient));
$total_deute_anual = $mydb->loadResult();
// return result (in all rows)
return $total_deute_anual;