add group only



i have a form with master detail.
In the detail form I only want to add a new group. Now I also see the existing records. How do I do this ?
Adding a new group is as simple as going to Groups and clicking New.
Not sure what you mean by "Now I also see the existing records."

Maybe explain your problem better? Screenshots, eventually with annotations, may help.
Thanks for your reaction. I mean that when I go to the groups I see all existing groups. At the moment I have 2 groups. Is it possible to see only a new empty group.
So, you're in the "Groups" listing, where you see all the groups you're having (= currently 2)?
What do you mean, "see only a new empty group"? "New", as already said, create a new one. "Empty", well, don't add elements to it, then it's empty.

Else? Screenshots please, best after setting your backend language to English.

There's no filter in the groups listing to show only (empty) groups without elements. But you have the column "Elements" where a badge is telling you the number of elements in each group.
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I made a screenshot.
I added a group with the + button. As you can see there are now 2 groups.
What I want is that I only have the possibility to add a group. The existing group is hidden then.
