adding a link to a field in list view


I'm using fabrik to pull content from a pre-existing, non-joomla-based database and would like to make one change.

The first thing I'm working on is displaying a list of Press Releases. Rather than having the link to the Press Release Detail page come from clicking the check box, then clicking on "view" from the slide that appears, how can the link be changed to the Title of each Press Release?

fabrik 3.1b
joomla 2.5.9

Hey Dave,

Not exactly sure if this is what you want to do but it may be... However it works only on the Field and all links are the same. No individual links. I am a beginner at Fabrik and someone else may know how to do exactly what you want. Perhaps you can do a .php plugin thing and use the backend language to call the individual link based off of the fields name. But at the moment that is beyond my expertise in practice.

Go to Elements>Select Desired element> List View Settings>Custom Link. Add external link. Enable custom link in Details "Yes"

Hope that does it.

Good luck!

How do I eliminate the check box?

Is there a way to eliminate the "clear filters' & 'group by' icons?

Within the same view (admin) you should see the Filters on the top tab row. Set the Filter type to "None". It should make it disappear. The little Icon on the front end will be gone.

I am actually in the middle of trying to either get rid of or customize the "Group by" thing. I did it by mistake the other day... try to get back there. ;) Sorry.

Hope that helps again.
Clear filters: if you don't have a filter (in element or list settings) there's no "clear filters".
Same with "group by": don't set "group by" in list settings or set the access level.

Checkbox: list settings "Links" set "Render buttons"= inline to see view/edit buttons instead of checkbox+popup.
Set list's view/edit records access if you don't want record details be viewed or edited.
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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