Autofill and dbjoin rendered as autocomplete?


Well-Known Member

It is possible to use autofill together with a dbjoin element rendered as autocomplete?

What i need is the same idea if i will use dropdown instead of autocomplete, to autofill a form based on selection made in dbjoin element.

I tried today using the latest github version, but nothing happen after i selected the value from search results. The dbjoin element is set as "Field to observe". I also tried to trigger the form using this element, but nothing happen...

Thank you
In theory it should work, do you have a test url I can see to check what happens when the autocomplete runs?
sorry for the late response, i've been in a (very) short vacation :) No, i don't have an online website for testing, i have a test website on my local computer and the live website on our intranet...
I am using dbjoin with autocomplete on my site and it is working (reasonably well). I have an updated autocomplete to fix a number of minor bugs, but it is part of a package of js improvements which is not yet ready for merging. (Note: There is a problem with dbjoin with autocomplete not running validations, and I can help with this if you experience it).

However, I think your question is more about auto-filling various fields on a form having selected a dbjoin element from a dropdown.

Is this what the form autofill plugin is designed for?

Instead of using the dbjoin element as a dropdown and fill the form with data (using the autofill plugin), i need to use it as autocomplete.
Autocomplete works for me on the dbjoin - the difficulty is that autofill may not know when the autocomplete has been completed.

I tested with the latest github code and db join rendered as auto-complete will correctly fire the change event at the right time for the autofill plugin. So my test case is working as expected
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