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Autofill not working on prod site, but does work on test site

On the test site (not the development site) which is a clone of the production site, I turned all caching on back on - in Joomla and in all of the Fabrik lists. I left them all off in production. I'm still getting the same error in test as in the production site, which is preventing anyone and everyone from getting to any and all lists. The error is "CALL TO UNDEFINED METHOD FABRIK\HELPERS\WORKER::USECACHE(). So, this error is occurring whether caching is turned off or whether it's turned on. And it just started this afternoon on both production and test sites.
Also, the template being used is not a Gantry template - that's on all the rest of my websites and my client's website. The template being used on this clients website is a JA template - JA Alumni. My mistake. What is really baffling is the autofill stopped working before I updated to Joomla 3.8.10 and Fabrik 3.8.1. And each day a new problem comes up in FABRIK with NO CHANGES to the website.
I'm back on my PC now.

You said "Yes, I updated from github."
On your test site you are surely not running a recent GitHub version (there are some new options which are not visible on your site).
Seems you have mixed up versions or whatever, which would explain "CALL TO UNDEFINED METHOD FABRIK\HELPERS\WORKER::USECACHE()."

So can you please do a complete GitHub update, make sure all your folders are writeable, to override all files (not only "newer" or "different size") etc.
My test site is now a clone of the production site as of a few days ago, so yes, it is running a recent GitHub version. I cloned the production site so Hugh could work in test and not in the live site. Yesterday I cloned the production site to my development site and installed Gantry and a template from rockettheme. I'm now getting the error
500 Fabrik has generated an incorrect query for the list IITB - Client: <br />

Yes, I changed the connection to the development site database. Yes, I checked all the lists, forms, groups, elements, etc. I'm going thorough a second time trying to figure out what the heck is going on. I can't emphasize enough how all was going fine in production, no changes made by me but to update versions of other extensions periodically (which produced no errors in the test site before I updated them in production). I only updated Fabrik from github when the forms stopped working, all of which I explained earlier. And for the next 3 days, each day a new problem cropped up and now the users cannot get to their information and they see the errors when trying to login to the site. And as of 2 (or maybe 3 now) days ago I as the super user cannot access the forms, or the lists on the front end and I cannot even see the data in the lists on the backend. EACH DAY some new problem occurred with NO CHANGES at all!!!!! NONE!!!!! And now everything related to Fabrik is completely hosed!

This is beyond frustrating and I have wasted a whole week working on this with NO HELP at all from Fabrik. In fact, I first posted the request for help over 10 days ago!!!! A full 5 or 6 days before Hugh left on vacation! That's thousands and thousands of wasted dollars and I have another website for a medical clinic that is supposed to go live in a couple of weeks so this is the last thing I needed right now! Not frustrated at you, troester, I'm frustrated at the complete LACK of support from Fabrik. This is not acceptable and as a 38 plus year IT professional, I can tell you this is not professional on the part of Fabrik at all.
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troester - just FYI, this is the method I use to update from github as it's much faster than using filezilla. This is one of the 4 methods listed for updating from github at http://fabrikar.com/forums/index.php?wiki/update-from-github/

3. cPanel Update (top)

If you use cPanel you'll need to do the following.
  1. Unzip the downloaded GitHub zip to you local system.
  2. Navigate to the Fabrik-fabrik-xxx folder where you see all the files and folders.
  3. Select all files and folders and create a new Zip file, (or whichever archive format you prefer).
  4. This has to be performed otherwise the files will extract to a subdirectly and your site will not get updated.
  5. Upload the NEW zip file to the root of your site (often this is the "public_html" file).
  6. Once uploaded, refresh the directory, click on the uploaded file and select extract.
  7. Delete the ZIP file if you wish.

I just went back to github, got another copy of the files download from github and am uploading using filezilla - we'll see how it goes.
cPanel Update is working fine, too, I use it a lot. But you also here must make sure that all files are copied correctly.

Back to start:
Can you give short step to step descriptions how to reproduce every single error on your test site in frontend?
Which exact lists and forms are involved in backend (names and ids)?
I just logged in and don't get any "undefinded method" or "incorrect query" in the "Account Profile".

But I see DOM errors (non-unique id #login-form) not related to Fabrik.
Now that I loaded from github, I'm back to the original problem that made me post in the first place - all the other errors went away. I don't know why it didn't work the first time, but you must have been correct about the point that the cache errors showed it wasn't the latest github version. I did the same thing I did the first time, but obviously something didn't go right the first time.

Don't know why the DOM errors are showing - nothing about that has changed over the months all has been working fine.

The problem that remains that just started about 10 days or so ago is not one can add new account profile information, add new pet information, place a custom order- not on the front end or on the back end. And no one can submit a contact request and one is not required to login to fill out that form.
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Please give step by step descriptions.
You know what to do but I don't.
Login? or Create Account?
There is no problem to add pet information in the backend.
I just did (a nearly empty record as you don't have any "not empty" validation).
one is not required to login to fill out that form
You have set Contact Request Add access to public. So yes, you don't need to login to add a record to such a list.
What do you expect?
troester - There was an issue with the joomla login supplied by JoomlaArt, so I disabled it. We are going to change the website to gantry, so that will be going away soon anyway. There was also an issue with requiring them to agree with the terms and services, so I disabled that for now. And for some reason, it's not consistently recognizing that it is nocaptcha rather than recaptcha - it does sometimes and not others. But, now people are once again able to register.

Having said that the problems with Fabrik remain with adding an account profile, but now someone can fill out a contact request. Making a little progress, but not enough. I'm still very upset with the Fabrik people and my subscription has been completely wasted. This should have been fixed last week and they STILL HAVE NOT even responded.
Once again - this was ALL working fine for months with no changes to anything Fabrik. And yes, the contact request was set to public.

How could you add pet information when there isn't an account profile for you? Nevermind, I see you said on the backend. However, this would not be done without an account profile first. The changes I made must have changed being able to add some records on the backend.

The account profile still cannot be added on the backend and pet profiles and customer orders cannot be added with it - at least on the front end. I guess I need to enforce that rule on the backend too, but the website owner would not add them without knowing who the pet belongs to.

Also, we had a lot of problems with the notempty validation, so I removed them for the time being. I plan to add them back in after all the other issues are resolved.
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troester. When looking at the pet information you added on the backend, I noticed in several clients other added pets and the link to their account profile is missing, which is a field that was supposed to always exist and be hidden to the user - or used to be. I see somewhere along the way it got changed to not hidden and those users must have opted not to include that information. I wonder if this is causing some problems. aaarrrggghhhh!!!! I did NOT change this field to not be hidden - I purposely made it hidden so pets would always be tied to an owner. The change must have happened with some update to Fabrik along the way. I haven't worked on any of the forms for months because they were working fine - or so I thought. This is SO frustrating! I changed it back to hidden so they can't choose to make the field blank.

Update - actually, I don't think some of these people had the option to leave the field blank. One of the pets not tied to an owner belongs to the owner of the website, and that dog was tied to her when we did the testing. One of the other dogs belongs to a good friend of hers who also used to be tied to an ower - and now it's not. I know FOR SURE they were originally tied to an owner because during testing I went though all the data and links and forms with a fine tooth comb. Something really odd has happened and now I'm more frustrated. How could that data be changed? (this last question is primarily rhetorical). This makes no sense at all.

I would say that maybe some of the pets not tied to owners are because the owners deleted their account profile, which leads me to rethink how we handle deletes to account profiles. We don't want the custom orders to go away even if the people delete their profile, but maybe I should make the pets go away too. But that's something I will deal with once the other issues are resolved. Anyway, I would think that might be the case if some of the dogs didn't belong to the owner and her friend.
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I don't know which setup you had, what you have changed, what was working or not working or you only thought it was working, if JS errors coming from your J!template or 3rd party components may have broken Fabrik's autofill, if you have broken something by trying to clone your production site, if teh test site is really a clone of your production site or whatever.

E.g. if you set a list access "Add"=public then anybody can create a record without being logged in and there's no connection to something like a userid or an owner.

Nobody can help if you don't give the information needed:
What are the steps for reproducing the errors you mentioned on your test site?

Please give short step for step informations, I'm no native English and I'm not willing to go through pages of text and search for informations which may be hidden anywhere.
troester .... of course I have the contact request set to public. We don't want someone to have to login to request information from the website. Your comment on this confuses me.

Right after I did the first github update (which was obviously not done correctly) even that form could not be filled out. That was the problem, not the fact it was set to public.
And no one can submit a contact request and one is not required to login to fill out that form.
I thought you were complaining that the form can be filled without being logged in, seems I missunderstood.
So I tested just now filling and sending the form and got a success message.
So where is the problem?
The test site is ABSOLUTELY a clone of the production site. Don't know why you are questioning that. And no I didn't break something by "trying to clone" the production site - it stopped working in the production site THEN and ONLY THEN did I cloned the production site so it looks exactly like production so someone from Fabrik can work on the problems in production without messing up the production site. It's insane to let someone mess around in a production site - EVER. I did not TRY to clone it - I DID clone it. Have done it hundreds of times.

The reason I thought it was working? seriously? It's been working for MONTHS!!!!!!! I know how to test. I've been an IT professional for over 38 years before starting to design and manage joomla website, and do know what I'm doing. I'm not a coder, but I am an architect and a metadata architect and know how to design and test. So please don't insult me by asking what makes me think it was working.

The problem that started this whole thing is the fact that autofill stopped working AND when I went to set up an account profile for Fabrik to save you time I realzed that NOONE can add an account profile. And that only stopped working around the first of the month because I added one myself just before that. So, a person IN PRODUCTION SUDDENLY - AFTER MONTHS OF BEING ABLE TO DO SO AND NO CHANGE TO FABRIK AT ALL - cannot add an account profile - in fact it currently cannot even be added on the backend even if you did add pet information and a custom order. (Adding pets and customer orders would be EXTREMELY rare on the backend.)

Once again, how did you get the credentials to login to my site as a superuser if you don't work for Fabrik? Do you have access to the information we post on Fabrik? Then that makes you way more than just a user trying to help. I don't like being misled.

A user on the front end has to have an account profile before they can add pet information or submit a custom order.

The only form set to public add is the Contact Request - for obvious reasons.

These are the steps.

1. Register on the website (which is a Joomla registration of name and email address only.) I already did this for the user I set up for Fabrik.
2. Activate the registration by clicking on the link in an email message. (I did this for the superuser I set up for Fabrik)
3. login, which automatically take you to the account profile page. This is NOT set to public - it's set to registered for add and delete.
4. set up an account profile. (or modify an existing one)
5. Once the account profile is set up, add information about one or more pets, if so desired.
6. If so desired, fill out a custom order form. This is the form that should autofill with the users name, address, phone number, and email address based on what is in the account profile. (Once again, I used to have many fields required, but had to remove the not empty and other validations as the forms were not working correctly with them. I planned to get around to adding them back in, but want' high priority and I have other websites to manage.)

Right now, none of that can be done as a person setting up a new account profile. And, even a superuser cannot setup a new account profile in the backend. And in April the autofill stopped working. Everything else was working until I posted the first time in this thread.

And yes, there have been changes to test since I cloned it - I listed what they are. That is where testing is done, not in production, so of course test will start to look different from production as different things are tried to fix the problem. I should not have to explain this to another IT professional.
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The contact request form is not the problem. The problem what that for about a week NONE of the FORMS worked! I've said that several times! And as I have stated multiple times, I'm sure that's because the first github update I did had issues. And if you read what I wrote, right in the beginning I said "
What more information do I need to give? I've been waiting since Tuesday for an answer. I realize I only paid for a Standard license, but I thought it said 3 days for an answer. What more information do I need to give you?" And I have yet to get any response from Fabrik - unless you work for them.

It would help if you all would read what is written
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Update: As of a few minutes ago, autofill is working for EXISTING customer. However, no new customers can create an account profile, which means they cannot add pet information or place an order.