[BUG] bots

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Something seems to have hosed up the bots in todays svn HEAD.

First problem was a doubled up }} in fabrik-tablebot.php:

            $row->text = preg_replace_callback($regex, 'replaceWithFabrikTable', $row->text);        }
    }}/** * only load this code once */function loadFabrikTableFiles(){

... should be ...

            $row->text = preg_replace_callback($regex, 'replaceWithFabrikTable', $row->text);
    }/** * only load this code once */function loadFabrikTableFiles(){

IOt looks like the formatting fo the file got toally screwed up after that line - everything is running togewther, no newlines. Unless this is an artifact of me using Tortoise SVNB ands then ftp'ing to UNIX.

But even after fixing the }}, the bots aren't rendering.

I'll keep poking around and post any fixes I find.

-- hugh
OK, it wasn't an extra }, it was simply that the formatting had gotten screwed, so several lines of code had been run together into a comment, upsetting the {} balance.

The same problem is in both bots.

I'm still not sure if this is really a problem in the code, or an artifact of using Tortoise SVN. I checked the local files on my end, and the formatting is screwed in my checked out files, even before I ftp it up to the server. So if its a DOS/UNIX linefeed thing, it's happening between the repository and my desktop, not between my desktop and the server.

I can't immediately see any other affected files like this, so I'm thinking this is probably in the source for HEAD.

Anyway, having fixed the mambots, I'm now getting ...

Catchable fatal error: Object of class stdClass could not be converted to string in /home/messenge/public_html/joomla/components/com_fabrik/fabrik_table.class.php on line 3746

I'm checking to see if this is a real problem, or something one of my patches has caused.

More News When There Is News.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,
I did a diff between subversion levels, 122 -> 129,
svn diff --old [url]http://joomlacode.org/svn/fabrik@122[/url] --new [url]http://joomlacode.org/svn/fabrik@129[/url]

And they have made most changes to the 2.0 code, and definitely not the mambots which are working well for me @ 122

I know one of the problems of making changes to the code is the one of introducing more bugs with a patch. I've definitely seen improvements in a lot of areas, but there are not enough test cases to make a complete regression test possible.

Is it possible you introduced something with a patch?

I re-checked out the code, and the formatting problems went away.

It must have been something in the original checkout that moofed the file formatting.

My patches are really just the bug fixes I've been posting. Nothing which would affect the formatting of a PHP file.

Basically, the whole second half of both the bots PHP code had become run into a single huge long line.

Ah well, its working now.

-- hugh
Hi Hugh,
Would it be possible to collect all of the patches into one thread? Perhaps post a diff?
I'm worried that they might miss some of them when integrating them.


Well, I figure posting stuff in the support forum with the [BUG] tag should be good enough - easily sorted / filtered. Hopefully the developer(s) will catch on that I'm fixing bugs for 'em, and will start noticing those posts. I am of course keeping my own list of fixes, so if they need a roll-up, I can always provide it on request.

I'm kind of in the middle of rebuilding my development environment and moving servers round. I usually use Komodo (www.activestate.com), hands down the worlds best scripting IDE, using xdebug to handle remote debugging, and integrated into my own CVS server. Komodo has all the tools I usually use to produce diffs, etc.

At but the moment I'm using vi via ssh and var_dump to do the debugging! Once I get things straightened out, I'll be a little more organized, and plugged in to SVN instead of CVS. Then I can handle my own source control, have my own private development branch locally, and life will just be a lot easier!

-- hugh
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