Bug in navigation between paginated admin tables


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When I am in list admin table and want to go to the other page, then I receive an error message - it says that table 'prefix__lists' doesn't exist. And query follows where 'fabrik' is really stripped out from table name in query. But clicking on the browser's back button gives me the expected page.
The lists are actually copied from the J2.5/F3 test site, but I am not sure that this would be the cause.

Fullscreen capture 5.07.2013 122952.bmp.jpgFullscreen capture 5.07.2013 123105.bmp.jpgFullscreen capture 5.07.2013 123144.bmp.jpg
Exactly the same happens with form admin table.
But slightly otherwise in groups and elements, where pressing "back" button returns the previous (first) page. Plus the result page with error suggest to go to the control panel.
Seems to be solved. It was caused by a package that I also copied to J3. After I uninstalled it everything became OK.
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