Can I have a multip page form?


Filipino Students First Foundation, Inc
When a school, or individual, applies for a computer donation, I have them fill out a PDF. When I started this foundation, I was thinking that individuals in the states would apply for a school that they knew of a school that needed computers equipment in the Philippines. After a couple years I've had a few schools in Philippines reach out to me for a donation. The issue is that the schools are not able to access the PDF and fill it out. So, one of the thoughts with using Fabrik is to put an application online so the school can access it, and get it filled out.

The application is broken down into three different sections, Applicant, School Contact and School information. What I would like to do is create a three page online application with the information of each section being saved into its on table. Basically, I would like to have a "Applicant" table, "School Contact" table and "School Information" table. This way, I can link the school to a specific computer equipment, or link the applicant to multiple schools. My thoughts are, the applicant would fill out a section, click "Next" to move on to the next section, click next and then save.

Is this possible, or do I need to come up with another solution?

Thank you.


Best way is to create your three tables. In each one, create a hidden field element called application_id (format INTEGER). Then create a fourth, like "Application". In the List settings for the Application list, create three list joins (under the Data section), that link from to the other tables application_id. Use the default "left" join.

That will create three new groups on you Application table, one each for each of the joined lists, with their elements in them.

Then in the Group settings for the four groups form that form, hide the original one (that just has id and date_time). Then on the other joined groups, go to the Pagination tab, and set "page break" to Yes.

-- hugh

Best way is to create your three tables. In each one, create a hidden field element called application_id (format INTEGER). Then create a fourth, like "Application". In the List settings for the Application list, create three list joins (under the Data section), that link from to the other tables application_id. Use the default "left" join.

That will create three new groups on you Application table, one each for each of the joined lists, with their elements in them.

Then in the Group settings for the four groups form that form, hide the original one (that just has id and date_time). Then on the other joined groups, go to the Pagination tab, and set "page break" to Yes.

-- hugh

Thank Hugh. I'll give this a try and let you know how it works.


Sorry that its taken so long for me to post back the status of the application form. A lot on my plate, and not enough time to work on this project,

I finally had a chance to work on this today, and it works exactly as I was envisioning. Thank you very much for your help and instructions.

Then in the Group settings for the four groups form that form, hide the original one (that just has id and date_time).
-- hugh


I have one question. I'm not sure about this step. I'm not sure how to hide the form.

Thank you.

In the Groups page on the backend, edit the group you want to hide, under the Layout tab, set "Show Group" to No.

-- hugh
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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