caneditrow public access also blocking reg users


I don't know what I made wrong here.
"Caneditrow" is setup as the diagram. Access list is shown here.
But when users (registered or super user) log in, it shows the same as public; ie not allow editing.

Here is php code in "Advanced tab". Without php and choosing "Name" Element also the same result.

if (empty(trim('{aatest___Name}'))) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return false;

How can I fix this to allow the registration users and above to be able to edit?

in the help session, caneditrow take precedence on access level. So, it makes sense, that reg users won't be able to edit.
Is there ways to make editable for reg users?
Hello, have you try to add and user_id in your elements and set the "or use field" here you select the field that store the user_id, that way the register user is able to edit the record.
Not sure what you are trying to do.
If you want registered users and above to be able to edit each record set list's "can edit record" to registered.
If you want them to be able to edit only "their own" records set "can edit record" to e.g. superadmin (or special or... depends totally on the Joomla access levels you have) and add "or use field" as @jmoises says.

No need for the "can edit" list plugin.
We are in need of some funding.
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Thank you.

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