Cascading Dropdwon list element and repeated group


New Member
Hello everybody. Maybe this is simple but I cant figure out how I can do it

I create a list -> LIST 1
with 2 groups -> LIST 1 and LIST-1-REPEAT

LIST 1 group has 2 elements -> id (internalid) and 1_field1 (field)
LIST -1-REPEAT group has 3 elements -> id (internalid), parent_id (field) and 1_field2 (field)

I create a 2nd list -> LIST 2 with 1 group LIST 2 and the following elements
id (internalid), 2_field1 (databasejoin) and 2_field2 (CDD)

the 2_field1 (databasejoin) is a dropdown list, links to table LIST 1 with value -> id and Label 1_field1

the 2_field2 (CDD) is a dropdown to list -> LIST 1 and here is the problem. I want tthe dropdown to show the 1_field2 based on the 2_field1 databasejoin.
BUT when i select the list LIST 1, in the id dropdown it only shows id and 1_field1. Not the 1_field2

How can achieve this?
Thank you in advance

* there is only LIST 1 and LIST 2 options in the list dropdown. Not LIST-1-REPEAT. Thats correct because List-1-repeat is a group.
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