CascadingDropdown does not work as filter in adding record!

Hi all,
I have 02 lists:
1. Wards (id, district_id, ward_name) that joined with Districts(id, province_id, name) on district_id : For filtering a big list of data
2. Organisation (id, ward_id, name, address, ...) list: for listing thousands of record for organisation that have ward_id referenced to Wards

A. Ward list
I created List of wards that bases on wards and LEFT join with district on district_id.
+ I used the district__province_id as a dbtajoin that point to the list of province, List view setting as Dropdown
+ I use the district_id (id for district) as a cascadingdropdown that watch the district.province_id and point to the list of districts.

B. Organisation list
+ I created the list of organisation list with data joined with ward and districts as mentioned at the begining.
+ With organisation__ward_id element, I applied dbjoin and activate the Front End Select point to Ward list. Thanks to Troester advice, I used this element rendered as autocomplete.

+ In editing
an existing record of organisation, Front end select work fine and I can select province, district then select a ward and it changed the ward_id of organisation successfully on saving. The only problem is Fabrik throw an error saying that it failed in saving to district/province due to foreign key problem. This is ok as data is changed in Organisation, we can just ignore the error.
+ However, in adding a new record, the Selection form popped up for ward selection. Only province list have data, at selection of a province, nothing happend with district_id. Click on a ward, nothing happen as well.
+ I can only choose a ward_id by typing in the ward_id autocomplete to search for a ward then save!
Since I am new to Fabrik, would you please be so kind bright me up on this matter with thanks.

For your testing, you can access my testing site at
Using user name test_user/ test12345

Thank you very much for your attention.
Dang DInh ngoc - Viet Nam