• Holiday Schedule

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    See the details here

CB plugin

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I read somewhere that the Community builder plugin can be find on the GitHub. I however don't find it. Can explain where it us located ?

Is it working with J 3.x ?

Kind regards.
Can someone clue us in with some accurate instructions? It says in the wiki to get it from the downloads page in misc category but there is no misc category, nor can anyone find it. Pulling just the 3 files from the github zip then upload to the server doesn't work, neither does a discover of those files. HELP!
P.S. Whilst keroman might have a gripe about the time taken from September, prophoto seems to think that the time between his "me too" post on Wednesday evening and an answer on Thursday is still too long.
P.S. Whilst keroman might have a gripe about the time taken from September, prophoto seems to think that the time between his "me too" post on Wednesday evening and an answer on Thursday is still too long.
I guess I expect too much to have a new product's support pages updated in a timely manner...tell me, where do those support dollars go? I'm sure the original poster is long gone and no longer using the product since no one ever bothered to get back to him or help.
You have got to be kidding, surely. By comparison to any commercial software support costs, the Fabrikar pro subscriptions are a tiny amount, and the standard subscription a pittance.

For a commercial developer whose cost to their employer is (say) EUR4000 per month, the Pro subscription at EUR60 per month is ridiculously low amount to get priority support.

And keroman was still around 3 weeks ago.
You have got to be kidding, surely. By comparison to any commercial software support costs, the Fabrikar pro subscriptions are a tiny amount, and the standard subscription a pittance.

For a commercial developer whose cost to their employer is (say) EUR4000 per month, the Pro subscription at EUR60 per month is ridiculously low amount to get priority support.

And keroman was still around 3 weeks ago.

Agreed it is a small amount, still doesn't change the fact that the wiki, tutorials, etc are severely lacking. If that was in order it would give the potential customer a better feeling about how the community is ran and influence them to buy. Unless that lack of tutorials is a ploy to get more subscriptions since the user can't find the help for free.
Yes - I agree - the wiki is severely lacking. But this is open source software not a commercial product, and there are different philosophies, economics and expectations that apply to open source software.

So for example, the wiki relies on users like you and me to improve it because the developers don't have enough time in the day. I have spent many hours editing wiki entries - and countless more hours contributing code and fixing bugs. How many hours have you contributed back in recognition of the benefit you get from free software? How many wiki entries have you improved?

Do you think you will get better help from either the developers or the community if you are always griping?
Yes - I agree - the wiki is severely lacking. But this is open source software not a commercial product, and there are different philosophies, economics and expectations that apply to open source software.

So for example, the wiki relies on users like you and me to improve it because the developers don't have enough time in the day. I have spent many hours editing wiki entries - and countless more hours contributing code and fixing bugs. How many hours have you contributed back in recognition of the benefit you get from free software? How many wiki entries have you improved?
I am new to the product, hence all of my questions. If you really wanted to help people you wouldn't be wasting time arguing with me or calling me out.
Do you think you will get better help from either the developers or the community if you are always griping?
You are the one who called me out and started this flame war. Personally I wouldn't want a mod that continues to argue and start flames.
You are welcome to ask as many questions as you like, and other users who have used the product a little longer and are therefore more knowledgeable will try to help you (as troester already did). But they will not continue to help you if you just moan at them because an answer in < 24 hours is (in your opinion) not good enough.

I spoke up in troester 's defence because she deserved your thanks rather than your criticism. If you don't like this being pointed out, then behave differently.

And no, personally I don't particularly want to help you if this is how you treat people who do help you.
Just to be clear troester is a user (a very dedicated one!)- and not part of the team, so it would be courteous just to thank her and move on. Sophist also give's his time for free. With the move to Joomla 3 and Fabrik 3.1 there are certain parts of the code that are not documented for Joomla 3, this was one of them, there are also a load of downloads that are not yet available from the downloads section but are in the github repository. This is obviously not a perfect situation, but there is only so many hours in the day.
You're questions came at a time where we were dealing with several severe issues with the new Joomla 3.2 release, hence my delayed reply.
I've now added it as a download http://fabrikar.com/download/details/36/778

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