CDD stop working when adding some JS

Hello everybody,

In a quotation form I have a select DB Joined field (Services) and 3 CDD select field (Options2, Options3, Options4).
Options2 is watching Services
Options3 is watching Options2
Options4 is watching Options3
The cascading mechanism is working well.
I Would like now to show/hide elements based on the value of the previous ones.
For example display Options2 when Services has a value of 1 and display Options3 when Options2 has a value of 5…
I'm having the result I want to get but at one point the cascading does not work anymore.
I could show/hide Options2 based on Services values.
I could show/hide Options3 based on Options2 values but Options3 select element is empty.
It is as if Options3 couldn't watch Options2 values.
If I remove my js (Onload in Services element) everything is working again.

Any idea?
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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