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Combine Fields to Create Link


New Member
Thank you in advance for reviewing this question.

I need help creating a link by combining data from two fields. This would be a custom link assigned to one of the fields.

Scenario: This is an order management application. The primary form contains two fields. The first is a databasejoin dropdown that selects a freight carrier from the freight carrier table (e.g. FedEx). The second is a field type element where the user inputs the carrier tracking number.
The freight carrier table list has 2 columns; the freight carrier name, and the prefix url which typpically looks something like this: "https: // www . fedex.com/fedextrack/index.html?tracknumbers=". When the user selects the freight carrier, and inputs the tracking number I want the tracking number custom link "concatentae the prefix url and the tracking number so that when the user clicks the tracking number in list view or details view they are automatically directed to the carrier website and appropriate tracking results.

I am tremendously grateful for any guidance or support.
I don't know if you were able to resolve this issue, if not, you should be able to create a link using the Calc Element. I would assume you could just do a concatenate of the entire link (<a href="url">Link text</a>). Hope that is of use.
Thank you for replying, gsellers. Unfortunately I don't think this will help. I am attaching a graphic that I believe may better iluustrate the objective. The Calc element and link are no problem. It's referencing the proper row from column column 3 that's kicking my but. :confused:


  • Tracking_Link_Generator.jpg
    65.1 KB · Views: 253
Maybe I'm continuing to miss something, but couldn't you just do a select 'link prefix' (I'm assuming this is what you're calling column 3) from 'freight company' where 'freight companies.freight carrier'='order details.carriers' and put that into a variable to use in the concat (and of course that punctuation is nothing close, but hopefully it is communicative)? I'm not a developer, so if I'm just totally missing something, I'll apologize in advance.
You are exactly right, but... "and of course that punctuation is nothing close, but hopefully it is communicative" is precisely where I am stuck. I am not a developer either and so it is the syntax of the SELECT statement that has my panties all bunched up. :mad: But you have given me an idea, and I am going to give it another try. Be back soon.