Content plugin can't be embedded in Joomla categories?



I'm using this placeholder to test if i can embed the content plugin in my site: {fabrik view=list id=47 resetfilters=1}.

It works fine for Joomla articles but it doesn't works for Joomla categories, the list is not displayed. Also tested with {fabrik view=form id=47}, same problem only for categories, the form is not displayed.... any idea why?

Joomla 3.8.10, Fabrik Github version (updated last week)

Thank you
I mean the Content menu->Categories in administration area. I'm trying to place the placeholder in Category description textarea, the same way i'm doing it for Articles
It's working fine on my site.
Check the raw HTML code if you have any tags, non-printable characters etc inside {}
There is no html tag around Fabrik placeholder..

Strange fact: the Fabrik JS code is visible in page source both for categories and articles, but the HTML is not displayed for category.

while the code for article shows the List name in Body ("Contracte" in this case):

<div itemprop="articleBody">
<div class="page-header">

for category there is no such information. After the option to add a new article in this category, there is no html code from Fabrik:

<span class="hasTooltip" title="Add new article"><a href="/aplicatii-sme/contracte?task=article.add&amp;return=aHR0cDovL3NtZS52b2RhZm9uZS5yby9hcGxpY2F0aWktc21lL2NvbnRyYWN0ZQ==&amp;a_id=0&amp;catid=39" class="btn btn-primary">    New&#160;</a></span>
<!-- End Content -->
<!-- Footer -->
tags, non-printable characters etc inside {}

Did you try to use any other placeholder (not Fabrik) in your category intro? e.g. a module?
As I said it's working on my site.
So it seems to be a Joomla issue, not Fabrik.
Indeed, seems to be a Joomla issue, it doesn't work even with {loadmodule login} in category but it works fine for articles. I suspect one of my other plugins/components installed is the "culprit"

Thank you troester
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Thank you.