CSV export calc element?


Active Member
I have a calc element in my list which includes a multi-select element, which when exported as CSV exports actually exports four fields for example, the actual name of calc field is Designation modified.
The exported field are thus:
  1. Designation Modified
  2. Designation
  3. member_repeat_designation___designation_id
  4. member_repeat_designation___params
I just want the one field i.e. Designation Modified, which is included in CSV export to be included in CSV export and the data of that field should be the result as shown on the screen instead of like:
<ul class="fabrikRepeatData"><li>PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR & </li><li>TL HONRARY TEAM</li></ul>

It should be simply - PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR & TL HONRARY TEAM - which is actually the way it is shown on the screen.

How I can get the data as above in CSV export as well.
