csv export does not work any more


I have a csv export in my fabrik list.
It worked fine.
After changing the form and a few elements my export does not work any more.
I can see the link in my list but if I click it, nothing happens.
Has anyone an idea ?
Thank you
Which version of Fabrik/Joomla are you using? Have you updated recently? Might just be a cache issue.
I updated Fabrik this morning : it is now 3.5
Joomla was 3.5.1 when I wrote this post.
After your question I updated to 3.6.
But it still does not work.
Sorry correction:
the download starts, but it is not in a pop up but under my website.
How can I solve this?
definitely sounds like a cache issue in your browser. you need to clear your browser's cache. you can also go to fabrik's global config, under debugging and set Burst JS to 'yes'. that should force the browser to load the new files.
First: Thank you for your help.
I set teh global config but I still have the same problem. Nothing chanced.
Any other idea?
Thank you
Have you checked it in another browser by any chance? Just to be sure.
Is this in the frontend or backend of your site? Template issue?

- from tapatalk
I checked it on firefox and chrome and also from another pc. Always the same. The export opens "under" the site.
It is the csv export in the frontend. TEmplate is artesteer.
Hm, but the template was not changed. And Fabrik and this template worked together.
Do you have an idea how I can fix it?
Thank you
Something probably changed with the latest updates. I'm not sure what specifically. You would need to investigate. Could be conflicting with another plugin maybe?

- from tapatalk
I changed the css class .fabrikWindow-modal and now I have my "popup" :)
Thank you so much for your help
What did you change exactly?
I have (kind of) the same problem. (F 3.5, J3.6, yootheme )

If I show a list and use the export button then it works fine. A direct download link in the menu doesn't.
I added to my custom-css-file this:
No luck yet, i placed your suggestion at the end of the fabrik.css in the media/com_fabrik/css/ folder it that correct?

I have also run a folder sync for the admin,site and media folder. A lot of files where extra on the hosting, those are now deleted.
Using a other template for the specific menu item doesn't help either.
I`ll probably will use the menu list item so that the user can use the export button till i found the solution.
Just "fine comb" the css. The answer is there. Unless you have some kind of custom template that isn't calling jquery properly.

- from tapatalk
I would not write in the fabrik css-files. I write it in an extra css-file I added to my template. So it cannot be overwritten by an update.
do you have a link to your site? Then I can have a look.