Custom Table Layout Template

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Alright, here's a doozie. I've been banging my head against the wall for a while trying to get this to work perfectly. I've managed to hack something together with some custom templates, and I've nailed the individual record view. However, I need a little help with the initial form template, and I hope this might be relatively simple to solve.

Here's what I'd like to have as the initial table view:

I envision the standard view HTML "table" layout to be something like this, with both the filtertable AND the datatable in the same HTML table:

The filtertable is actually ROW 2 of the entire layout:

The tableheader row is on top, and the table element rows are beneath the filtertable:

[EDIT] Looks like crashed just as I posted this... hope I didn't break anything...[/EDIT]

Anyway, essentially what I'm looking for is the ability to customize the standard table layout as easily as I can customize the standard viewonly template, using the same kind of layouts like, for example {GROUP1_BOOKNAME} variable settings. Like I found out about in this thread, here:

Something like this, admittedly this is very rough but perhaps it would give you an idea:
<td><input type="button" onclick="submitfabrikTable('filter')" class="button" value="Search" name="filter" />{GROUP1_BOOKNAME_HEADER}</td><td>{GROUP1_TYPE_HEADER}</td><td>{GROUP1_AUTHOR_HEADER}</td><td>{GROUP1_PAGES_HEADER}</td>
<mos:sub condition="__default">
<tr class="oddrow{PAT_IS_EVEN}">
<mos:tmpl name="cell">
<td><mos:var name="value" /></td>

I can't style the table elements since they all have the same value, I'd just like things to all line up in a table and then have individual css control over the columns somehow.

Right now the source code for the individual data rows is like this:
<tr class="oddrow0">
<td><a href='[url];task=viewTableRowDetails&amp;Itemid=88&amp;fabrik=7&amp;rowid=13&amp;tableid=7'>BookName[/url] 01</a></td>
<td>John Smith</td>

It would be great if I could find a way to individually style the columns, too, but that is not super important.

Just a hint or two would be great. I managed to turn the filtertable on its side just fine (Thanks, Rob!), and I used some CSS overlay tricks to make the filtertable appear to be row #2 and the table header to appear above the filtertable, but the columns don't line up properly, which is why I'm asking about a method to put them into the same table.

You can use the "named-template" template to access individual records, such replacing :

<mos:sub condition="__default">
<tr class="oddrow{PAT_IS_EVEN}">
<mos:tmpl name="cell">
<td><mos:var name="value" /></td>

<mos:tmpl name="named-rows">

That should give you enough info to create exactly whatever layout you need
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