database Join element


New Member

I have a strange problem. When i join element to a field on another table, it displays the id number instead of the text. I have deleted tables and re-installed fabrik, but it still doesnt display the text in the field. See attached.
I have 3 tables. Table one (New Company) is field. Table two (Company Contact) Company Field is a database join element which is joined to table one Company Field and displays the names. My problem lies with table three (Add Job) where company field is database join element to table two Company Field.
If you point a dbj element to other one you dont get automaticallu the same label values. Because dbjoin element writes key values into table, not labels. All you have to do is a subquery in "or concat label" section to get the needed labels example : (select yourcompanyname from tableone where id = {thistable}.companyfield)

Thank you for the reply. I have tried that but it just show the element name, in the drop downs. Strange thing is i can select another field from the same table and it shows the data in the table. Even if i recreate the table and name the elements differently, it still comes up with id. Think im going to try a database restore.
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