Databasejoin - incomplete data


Hello, I have databasejoin on areas in my site. Each area contains number of parcels (databasejoin). I save elements to DB with ajax, everything is fine until certain number (54) of elements. I tried to print_r $data in my custom element plugin, which showed this:

[ubd_areas___parcel] => Array
[0] => 219/1
[1] => 348
[68] => 1145/8
[69] => 745/2
[70] => 745/1
[71] => 754
[72] => 346/1
[73] => 346/2//..*..
[ubd_areas___parcel_raw] => Array
[0] => 1303118607
[1] => 1303242607
[2] => 1303399607
[51] => 1304627607
[52] => 1304628607
[53] => 1304629607//..*..

First element renders only 74 elements, second is only 54, but total number is like 80+. What could be the problem? There is exactly "//..*.." in print_r($data);die(); result.
Do you have "Big selects" enabled in Fabrik Options?
Check also your php settings, maybe you are hitting some max xy (input vars, post max size...)
Is it ok in the database?
Thanks for the answer, big selects worked for detail. But now saving them is problem, I always get nginx time out, but I only save like 100 repeat records in that big select, which is not that much, or is it? Any way to debug this? Thank you for ideas.
Did you try to increase php limits like max_execution_time, memory_limit etc?
Do you have set Joomla's error reporting to max?
I increased execution time, it worked, but it is saving for almost 2 minutes. It's just one multiselect with +-100 records, it cannot take that long...
We are in need of some funding.
More details.

Thank you.

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