Date element displays as text


I have a date element in a form I am working on with the following settings:

  • Store Date As: UTC
  • List format: %Y-%m-%d
  • Form format: %Y-%m-%d
  • Default to current date: Yes
  • Always return todays date: No
  • First Week Day: Sunday
  • Allow typing in field: Yes
The form has no calculations and no validations but displays on the front end as a simple date text display.

I am using J2.5.11 and the Github version from today. Am I missing something?

Strangely though, it displays well on another website on the same server as it should.

I kept at it and discovered that the template could be responsible after stumbling on a Google link on Fabrik and Gantry Framework of Rockettheme.

I went to the template and simply turned of the date display. My form field displayed immediately.
I am not sure if this is a better fix but it worked for now. My concern is why Gantry Framework overrides the Fabrik element settings.
