Date Format issue in 3.6v and joomla 3.7.2



I have upgraded fabrik to 3.6 and joomla to 3.7.2. After that i notice that few thing for my lists and form pages in the front end are chagned.

Some of the issues i have resolved, now i found that the data format is changed in one of my page.
I have changed tried by changing UTC to local and vice versa, but not luck. Also i was not able to submit the form.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEvent' of null
at Object.watchGroupButtons (form.js:1630)
at Object.e.extend.$owner (mootools-core.js?67448ef?:38)
at Object.setUp (form.js:263)
at Object.e.extend.$owner (mootools-core.js?67448ef?:38)
at Object.setUpAll (form.js:108)
at Object.e.extend.$owner [as setUpAll] (mootools-core.js?67448ef?:38)
at Object.initialize (form.js:69)
at Object.<anonymous> (mootools-more.js?67448ef?:27)
at Object.e.extend.$owner [as initialize] (mootools-core.js?67448ef?:38)
at new <anonymous> (mootools-core.js?67448ef?:37)


  • datefield-issue.png
    346 KB · Views: 29
As posted in your other threads you have upgraded from J!2.5, Fabrik3.0 which is not a simple upgrade but a migration
You have to adapt your element settings, especially the date element

in your other threads your Joomla template or some 3rd party components were overriding the standard Joomla jQuery

So please make sure to have a complete migration and nothing overriding jQuery.

yes, I have checked all the 3rd party components to check the issue. Now i am at the end of my migration (almost its done 95%), all other issues regarding both frontend and backend were solved.

Now checking the issues related to lists/form/google map pages as it would really difficult for me to do a fresh migration / quitting this. Also i am running in out of time. Could you please help me here to solve these issues. That would be a really great help to me!
If you'd like to take out a support sub, I'd be happy to help.

I know I've said this 3 times already, but I really can't afford to help with migrations from 3 year old versions of Fabrik / Joomla in Community support. I wish I could, but I have bills to pay.

-- hugh