Date Pluging - Draging issue


New Member

I have activate the date plugin with also the time select.
The class for the time select modal window (with hours and minutes) is a dragable one. I have custom the container innerHTML with ajax of that modal window and the div has now an autoflow scroll value so the result of the AJAX call doesn't go out of the modal area.

The scrollbar in it works fine when I single prss on the bottom/top arrow or somewhere in the middle. However, if I try to move the cursor in between my draging updown, it comes to drag the modal window.

Therefore, since I am now too familiar with the Fabrik class + js system, I would like to know if there's a hack to have these triggers' separate so they don't come into one another so I can both move the modal or either drag the cursor to have the container up or down.


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