Default Value in MultipleSelect DatabaseJoin Elements

Tobi van Helsinki

New Member
Hello Community, I have a little Problem and hope, someone can help me.

I use the DatabaseJoin Element in a List, so that I can select Multiple values from a linked Table and I want to use a default value. For a "just one select" DatabaseJoin Element its easy (ID for example).
But with multiple values possible, I want multiple default values - and can't find a syntax for that.
I tried things like

return [1,2,3];

$array = [
"1" => "1",
"2" => "2",

return $array;

$array = (
"1" => "1",
"2" => "2",

return $array;

or just

But nothing worked. I hope, you understand, what I want to do and can help me.


Thank very much you for the reply cheesegrits!

Unfortunately it doesn't work.

["1","2","3"] - The 1,2 and 3 refer to the Primary Key I chase at the "Data" tab at the Element Settings.
I also tried it with Eval on and off.
Is there something else, I have to do?

I have attached 3 images: 2 with the Fabrik Settings
Element Settings Options.pngElement Settings Data.png
and one with the table, referred from the Data Tab.
The referred Table.png

I hope, this helps you, helping me :).

Joomla!-Version 3.4.3
Fabrik Verision 3.3.2


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