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Doesn't work old custom css for own-form-template made from new default


I have plenty own form-templates that are made from source: old-default form temlate, this old-default is from 2013 year.
I use custom_css.php to customize with css formating my own templates.

I have form-template (for my actuall new issue - still "under construction") made from this default-form-2013year.
It is form template:
I use for this custom_css.php

But i acualized fabrik from GitHub with new version-from-2015-07-01 and wanted to make new own form-template from this new-default form template from 2015-07-11.

I copied this new default form-template to my own form-template:
I copied also my old custom_css.php file from directory with:
old-form-template: "default-cc-tabelka-karta-produkcji"
to directory with:
new-form-template: "default-cc-20150712-tabelka-karta-prod1"

I try to display the same form with new-form-template and formatting is wrong.
It looks , for example, that my old code copied from old---custom_css.php doesn't work!
this is a sample of this code:
#{$view}_263 .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_alice___leftCol,
#{$view}_263 .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_alice_ro___leftCol,
#{$view}_263 .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_iec___leftCol,
#{$view}_263 .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_iec_ro___leftCol,
#{$view}_263 .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_rp___leftCol,
#{$view}_263 .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_rp_ro___leftCol,
#details_$c .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_alice___leftCol,
#details_$c .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_alice_ro___leftCol,
#details_$c .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_iec___leftCol,
#details_$c .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_iec_ro___leftCol,
#details_$c .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_rp___leftCol,
#details_$c .fb_el_ccjom_cc_kk_karta_rejestr___dodat_karta_odl_rp_ro___leftCol
width: 1px;

Can you help me to write a new custom code for-this-example, that is right for actualized 2015-07-12 fabrik and --- "default"-form-temlate from this version of fabrik?


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actualized Joomla+Fabrik on 12-07-2015
Still not clear what you are running now.
Which Joomla (exact version 2.5.x, 3.4.y)?
Which Fabrik (which GitHub branch did you use for updating)?

this old-default is from 2013 year.
Which exact Fabrik version was it?
Have a look at the new custom_css_example.php if anything has changed.
Fabrik - 3.0.9 - i updated Fabrik on 2015-07-12 with the most recent version from GitHub
System operacyjny Linux debianbodzio2 2.6.32-5-amd64 #1 SMP Mon Jan 16 16:22:28 UTC 2012 x86_64
Wersja bazy danych 5.1.49-3
Porz?dek znak?w w MySQL utf8_general_ci
Wersja PHP 5.3.3-7+squeeze18
Serwer WWW Apache/2.2.16 (Debian)
PHP dzia?a na apache2handler
Wersja Joomla! Joomla! 2.5.28 Stable [ Ember ] 10-December-2014 15:00 GMT
Wersja platformy Joomla! Joomla Platform 11.4.0 Stable [ Brian Kernighan ] 03-Jan-2012 00:00 GMT
Klient u?ytkownika Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0

Hmm, it looks that i have customized file default_group.php in my old form temlate,
* Default Form:Group Template
* @package    Joomla
* @subpackage  Fabrik
* @copyright  Copyright (C) 2005 Fabrik. All rights reserved.
* @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* @since      3.0
<?php foreach ($this->elements as $element) :
        if ($this->tipLocation == 'above' && $element->tipAbove != '') :?>
                <li><?php echo $element->tipAbove?></li>
        <li <?php echo $element->column;?> class="<?php echo $element->containerClass;?>">
        <div class="displayBox">
                <div class="leftCol <?php echo $element->className . '___leftCol';?>">
                        <?php echo $element->label;?>
                        <?php echo $element->errorTag; ?>
                <div class="fabrikElement">
                        <?php echo $element->element;?>
                <?php if ($this->tipLocation == 'side') :
                        echo $element->tipSide;
        <?php if ($this->tipLocation == 'below' && $element->tipBelow != '') :?>
                <li><?php echo $element->tipBelow?></li>
        <?php endif;
<div style="clear:both"></div>
when i copied that old file (and replace new file with this) to my new template, then all is displayed OK.

So, i didn't noticed that i have customized also:

Now all is OK.


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