Element labels no WYSIWYG editor

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Same problem with textarea: WYSIWYG editor doesn't show up.
Default editor = JCE, Profile editor = JCE

The issue was with Joomla standard TinyMCE; I tried with JCE but no change.

Side effect: after installing JCE the fabrik backend component menu icon is lost, it shows the JCE icon (I can remember such an issue in an older fabrik2 version)
I have not tried the WYSIWYG editor in the label but I use JCE on textarea and it is working.
However at first, I thought too it was not working but it was a JCE profile issue : the default profile is not allowing public or Registered users to use the editor.
What I did is to edit the other default JCE profile (disable when you install it), front-end users, allowing the public to use a simplified version of the editor.
Yes, you are right: textarea is working in backend or for superadmin in frontend.

But there is no WYSIWYG for the element label.
I miss also the WYSIWYG editor for the list/form introductions that we had in Fabrik 1 and 2.
If you want to include a picture or a link, it's a little hard.
Latest Git: getting nearer;)

WYSIWYG is showing up for labels (with misaliged layout, better in Chrome and IE, worse in FF)
No WYSIWYG for intros.
I think the ideal would be like in previous versions : WYSIWYG always for intros and optional for labels.
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