EOFFItem error on text area field


I have a table with a text area field that is generating an error when pasting in data longer than 255 characters (actually it goes until 261 characters and then generates error).

the display on the text looks like this:

La pel?cula m?s vista en Paraguay el 2012, "7 films" es la historia de V?ctor, un joven carretillero de 17 a?os que trabaja todos los d?as en el mercado trasladando mercanc?a. El mercado es hostil, la competencia es dura y la paga escasa. Una ma?ana recib????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Item???????????????????????????????????W?????????W???W?????W?W????????????EOFFItem?????Count????

Show max limit is turned off so don't think the limit applies (at least the tool tip tells me that). Any ideas?
