Error 1046: Database not selected


New Member
Any help on this issue would be appreciated. I am not a Programming or an SQL guy and Fabrik has helped me a lot in creating applications without the need for knowledge on programming.

I have been designing my site in WampServer and have installed it to a live server successfully. Everything works great except for Fabrik.

The issue I encounter in Fabrik is that I am now unable to create new lists or forms or anything else in Fabrik. When I tend to click on the New button, I get the message : Error: 1046: Database not selected. I am assuming that when I moved the site to a live server (using Akeeba Kickstart), I have renamed the Joomla database and this is now somehow not mapped to Fabrik.

How do I fix this issue? Is this something that is expected? Would I be able to avoid this issue if I specify the same Database name during the Joomla installation?

Thanks in advance for any help on this.

p.s: I have tried searching for any previous mentions of this issue and couldn't come across anything.


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