Error when deleting a file with the fileupload element

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Well-Known Member
It's great to have now the option to delete an uploaded file but there seems to be a bug (at least in the 3.1 version): if you click on delete, you are first asked if you want to delete the reference to the file. OK. Then you are asked if you want to delete the file from the server. Whether you click "OK" or "Cancel", the file is not deleted from the server and you have an error message when you save the record saying "You don't have access to this ressource".
Reloading the list shows however that the reference to the image has been deleted as asked, but the file is still on the server.

Changing the permissions of the folders (all the folders in the path from the "images" folder) to 777 does not help.

Tested on GitHub 769.
Im not able to replicate, but then there are a lot of possible options that might effect this. Can you tell me which form/element this is happening on?
Well, I can't reproduce it either!
Either this morning GitHub has fixed it (I upgraded to GitHub 795), or I changed a setting that "cleared" it.
I'll let you know if I encounter it again. In the meantime, I close the thread.
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