Error with an eval'd field: parameter $new is deprecated... (F4.0 J5.0.2)

Firstly, a very big THANK YOU for all your hard work in getting to the release version of Fabrik 4.0. Amazing work and really really appreciated by so many of us.

I have a test site which I have just updated from F4.0delta J4.3.2 to F4.0 (Official release) J4.4.2 which seemed to work fine. Then I upgraded to J5.0.2 and I'm now getting an error message on most, but not all, Lists:
"An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner. Debug: Eval exception : ap_awards (id 12)::preFormatFormJoins() : //counts and displays number of rows in the Awards Group, using id of each record $mydb = Joomla\CMS\Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver'); $mydb->setQuery("SELECT COUNT(ap_award_name) FROM all_productions_8_repeat WHERE parent_id = '11' AND ap_award_name > ' '"); $related_records = $mydb->loadResult(); return $related_records; : Since joomla/database 2.2.0: The parameter $new is deprecated and will be removed in 4.0, use Joomla\Database\DatabaseDriver::createQuery() instead."

I'm also seeing another, very similar, message on Form and Detail pages:
"An error has occurred with a eval'd field - please inform the web-site owner. Debug: Eval exception : ap_awards (id 12)::_getV() : ..." (the rest is same as above)

The element referred to is a CALC element but my calculation doesn't use $new so I'm not sure where the problem lies.

One other point: I couldn't update to the latest version of Fabrik via Joomla updater (timeout error) so I downloaded F4.0, FTP'd it to a new folder, extracted it and installed via the "Install from folder" option.

Any suggestions would be gratefully accepted.
You can only update via J! updater coming Fabrik versions.
Fabrik 4.0 has to be installed via J! installer (see WIKI
You can install the package directly via "Upload Package File" or use the "Install from folder"

Did the updater show an update to Fabrik 4.0 version? (It should not)

Error messages:
These are only deprecated warnings which should vanish if you lower your J! error level and set Fabrik debug (and System debug) to No.
Not sure where $new is coming from. You are using the short ->setQuery(...)
Maybe now it needs additionally $myQuery = $myDb->getQuery(true); etc.
Thanks @trob2! Switching off the Fabrik debug option got rid of the error message. All seems ok now. But I'll read the PHP Common Tasks wiki just in case.

One question: you said the J! updater should not show an update to Fabrik 4.0; well, it didn't, but it does now! And when I search through my extensions, almost every Fabrik extension is 4.0 but "Fabrik Package" is still showing as 4.0delta. I also have "Fabrik Base Package" as version 4.0. I have disabled the 4.0delta package and all seems ok. Might this cause any problems?
About updates: I assume this is caching.

Can you go to "Update sites" and "Rebuild" and then again "Check for updates"?

In Manage Extensions try to "Clear cache" for the old package