Fabrik run errors - Fabrik will not run

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Joomla 3
Fabrik - this morning's update

I just put fabrik into another site of mine starting with the 3.1 install and updated to this morning's update, but every time I go to components and highlight fabrik, every option I click leads to an error page. Examples are Forms, Lists, Connections. Nothing seems to work.

Images shown below.



If you run those queries in phpmyadmin what error messages do you get?
I would think somethings gone wrong with the set up of the initial database tables upon installation?
How would I go about running these through phpmyadmin?

I'm not sure what would have caused issues with the original database, the site this is on is not migrated, it was built in this location with a brand new mysql database.
open phpmyadmin, select the database, then there's an sql tab.,
select that and copy the sql message that Joomla produces into the textarea and press the submit button
It seems as though Fabrik is installed and yet doesn't exist, that's just my theory though.

I've installed 3.1a via the extension manager from http://fabrikar.com/downloads/details/36/429 and then updated via file manager using the latest github for joomla 3.

I don't get where this would have gone wrong. All the options are available in the joomla administration panel for fabrik, but if you click any of them they give these errors.
johnwi6_lazarus is the correct database name?
l6et3_ the Joomla prefix?
Did you check your fabrik connection settings?
And looking at the database, I don't see anything related to fabrik in it as shown in the picture.


  • dbfabrik.jpg
    108.7 KB · Views: 303
Very strange. But you can see the fabrik component menu in the backend?:confused:

In System/Global config/Server check your DB user;
does he have all privileges (CREATE TABLE...) (check with phpMy Admin)?
Can you install other components?

I would try to download 3.1alpha again (to exclude corrupted files) and install again.
I've downloaded and installed 3 times now. the user has full privileges to it's database. I can install just about anything. Fabrik even says installed as shown in the picture. I have zero explanation for this.


  • fabinstalled.jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 296
Update and Finalization:

It seems the problem was I was simply not thorough enough in reinstallation. Rather than uninstalling, I had simply been reinstalling over previous data. I just went in, uninstalled all fabrik related material and reinstalled fresh and everything works fine now. Just ran the update and all is still well.

Lesson of the day, be thorough ^^
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