Filter no effect



In frontend of my Web site, I display a list with filters. But any effect for this filters for each template I test (my template and the protostar template). Backend the filters are OK.
I use Fabrik 3.4.1 with Joomla 3.4.8

Thank's for the help :)
Is your list set to be ajaxfied? Try with Ajaxfied=no.

If it's working in the backend it's likely to be a template issue (did you clear Joomla and browser cache after switching to Protostar to force old JS to be overridden?) or some other 3rd party JS breaking Fabrik JS (do you have e.g. modules with sliders etc.?)
Try with Ajaxfied=no ==> Same problem . I put back this parameter to the initial state "Ajaxfied=yes"
After switching to Protostar template, the cache Joomla and browser will be cleared.
On the top of my template I've the module "Slideshow CK", who contains photos.
For your informaion, the Fabrik template who I use to display the list on my web site is bluesky. The others are not OK for my display
You can't use bluesky in J!3+/Fabrik3.1+, you must use bootstrap (or a custom template adapting bootstrap).
You can't use bluesky in J!3+/Fabrik3.1+, you must use bootstrap (or a custom template adapting bootstrap).
You must use the Fabrik bootstrap list template (not bluesky which is from Fabrik3.0/Joomla2.5)

My template use boostrap.
Fabrik is relying on the Bootstrap2 framework coming with Joomla with Protostar, so if your template's bootstrap is overriding the original one this may break Fabrik, too.

But with bluesky Fabrik won't do at all.
I've try without loading the bootstrap with my template and I've try all templates of Fabrik (beetween each template the cache will be cleared) ==> Any effect for the filters. I don't understand.
Is it somewhere a parameter who's not activ to load bootstrap. I've join 2 screenshot.


  • Capture1.JPG
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  • Capture2.JPG
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I've try all the other templates of Fabrik (beetween each template the cache will be cleared) : dbjoinselect, default etc... ==> Same result, any effect for the filters. I don't understand.
No, the only Fabrik3.1+ list templates you can use are bootstrap and div (no others are provided if you are doing a new clean installation).

All other ones you are seeing are old ones resting from Fabrik3.0.x, you can't use them.
Obviously you did an upgrade from former Fabrik versions, see
for what you have to adapt.

You have to use a Joomla bootstrap template compatible to Protostar or PurityIII (see AND you have to use Fabrik bootstrap/div/bootstrap_tabs list and form layouts (or create custom templates compatible to these ones).
Last edited:
I've juste seen a JS error :" SyntaxError: missing } after property list - Line 1413" ==> See screenshotCapture.JPG Capture.JPG
1413 Fabrik.jLayouts = {"modal-close":"<a ondragstart="return false;" href=\"#\" class=\"closeFabWin\">\n\t<span class=\"icon-cancel icon-remove-sign\"><\/span>\n<\/a>","icon-expand":"<i data-isicon=\"true\" class=\"icon-expand\" ><\/i>","icon-full-screen":"<i data-isicon=\"true\" class=\"icon-out-2 icon-fullscreen\" ><\/i>"};
1414 Fabrik.bootstrapped = true;

Is it the problem ?
Nobody can help if you are using the wrong list layouts.
the only Fabrik3.1+ list templates you can use are bootstrap and div
(obviously not div if filters are set to below).
With the e template bootstrap the error is line 1409 : "Fabrik.jLayouts = {"modal-close":"<a ondragstart="return false;" href=\"#\" class=\"closeFabWin\">\n\t<span class=\"icon-cancel icon-remove-sign\"><\/span>\n<\/a>","icon-expand":"<i data-isicon=\"true\" class=\"icon-expand\" ><\/i>","icon-full-screen":"<i data-isicon=\"true\" class=\"icon-out-2 icon-fullscreen\" ><\/i>"};"
Question : for more legibility, is it possible to separate lines and columns with border lines in the template bootstrap ? See screenshot. In tje template bluesky and dbjoinselect it's OK


  • upload_2016-1-7_17-59-31.png
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I've update Fabrik with the version 3.4.2. In backend and in frontend i use template bootstrap (see screenshot "Capture Fabrik 1.JPG"). In backend the filter and the display of the liste will be OK, but in frontend, the filter didn't have any effect and there are no borders betwwen the records (see screenshoot"Capture Fabrik 2.JPG").
With the e template bootstrap I've a JS error at line 1409 (see screenshot "Capture Erreur JS.JPG") .
The template of my site will be support bootstrap. The test with the template Protostar of Joomla I've the same result
Tank you for the help


  • Capture Fabrik 1.JPG
    Capture Fabrik 1.JPG
    36 KB · Views: 223
  • Capture Fabrik 2.JPG
    Capture Fabrik 2.JPG
    142.3 KB · Views: 201
  • Capture Erreur JS.JPG
    Capture Erreur JS.JPG
    57.6 KB · Views: 208

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