Form cannot open since the last Joomla update to 3.10.3


It seems that I have a JSON error.

0 Error decoding JSON data: Syntax error

I suddenly can't open the form of one of my list. When I try to open a row of my list, I got the loading screen but nothing happens.

The site is running on Joomla! 3.10.3 Stable, Fabrik 3.10

Error message in your browser console (may be in the Network tab)?
What do you get if you open the form in a new window (right-click on edit link)?
Your PHP version?
Thank you for coming back to me.
The error I get when I right-click on edit link is
0 Error decoding JSON data: Syntax error
I have it on the backend too
PHP version is 7.4.25
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When I clicked on edit for the 1st row of my list, I found out that the form displays and for all the other rows, I got the following message: 0 Error decoding JSON data: Syntax error. :(
Enable Joomla's SystemDebug, open the form via right-click in a new tab. Do you get an error stack?
In the meantime, I have cleaned some params in the database. Now, I can open the form, but when I try to save it, I get the following error message
SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
Below is the error stack

This doesn't look like anything related to Fabrik.

Are you still in the modal mode?
Then you have to examine the Network response tab of your browser to see the error message causing this Unexpected token < (usually it's a string like <error> or <warning> etc breaking the expected JSON response).
That's why I said you should try to open the form in a new browser tab (not in a popup).
The fact, this error message only displays when I use the pages built with Fabrik. :rolleyes:
below is the screenshot of what I have found in the Network response tab

1. Did you do anything manually with your Fabrik connection(s)?
All connections have params={"encryptedPw":true} in the database, so something seems to be screwed up on your site.

2. It's only a notice which will be gone if you reduce the Joomla error reporting level (but I wouldn't suppress messages addressing Fabrik connections)
No, I didn't do anything manually with my Fabrik connections. I have only noticed now that there are seven connections linked to the site database. I don't know how that might have happened. Do you think I can delete six of them without breaking the site?
The params are all set with just {}

Also, the error message displays only with the "click on edit" is set as Ajaxify links, and the form saves but doesn't close.

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Ok, is this an old site?
It seems, very old Fabrik connections don't have this params and it may be php7.4 and/or your error message level which now (suddenly?) is throwing this notice.
Try to open and resave your Fabrik connections.

Strange, if you didn't add id2-7.
You can check in #_fabrik_lists if any of your lists has connection_id <>1 set.
Additionally you could have dbjoins using a different connection. You won't see it in the element settings because all your connections have the same name...
So I would only delete the connections if you have a backup and if it's a test site...
Edit: open, rename and resave your connections (so you don't use them accidentially).
After the rename you'll see also in dbjoins, cdds etc. if they are using a "wrong" connection.
The form is now behaving as it should do. :):):)
As it is not a test site, I will leave the connections for now.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.