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Form/list to be replied monthly


New Member
Hello community,

I’ve created my form/list, but now I’m trying to use it .

What I need is to reply and use a list, where the record from the form are showed, monthly.

My first tough was to create a new form using the same component I’ve created for the first form…but the system doesn’t allow me to use the same field.

Did anyone of you encountered the same problem? How did you solved? Now I’m thinking to create a generalist form, and to remove the old data month by month…sono can keep going using the same one…but maybe there could be a better solution..


Hi Paolo,
to be honest: I don't understand your setup.
As far as I understood, you have a form collecting data from users. At the end of each month you want to send these inputs to one person or all submitting people (question?).
Basic solution for montly mails would be scheduled task. But without understanding your expectes workflow it is hard to help
Hello Wezetel, thank you.

Indeed you’re right, I didn’t explained very well…

So, the idea is to collect data of one month, through the form, like here:

and then, when current month is over, “move” them to another page:

(Ok, last link is not working, but can give you a idea…)

And continue to use the first one to collect data for the incoming month…

But I’ve found some problems, as I wrote…no possibilities to use twice the same “field”: my idea was to create a form for every month, and then copy, move and then cancel the data renaming the form for the next year…

So, no email, everything should remain on the website, but in other pages…

Hope is clearer now..


You can keep all records in one list and use filters (menu, querystring, content plugin) and/or prefilters (there's even a prefilter condition "thismonth") to show the records you want at different places.

Thank you troester, read it, but didn't understood: i guess it means some PHP code to be written, and I'm not able to do it...

So, it's not useful, my bad.

Alternative? Thank you
