Form not showing


Hubstaff freelancer
I want to show my Farbrik form on the frontend. Not the list, just the form. I thought all I had to do was add it as a menu. So I went into my footer menu and selected the usual add new menu item and under 'Menu Item Type' I chose 'Fabrik' and choose Form and selected the form I created. Did I miss any steps. In the Fabrik plugin manager everything shows just fine. It's just to get it in the front end now. Did I miss anything? My version if Fabrik is up to date, it's 3.4.2 and my Joomla version is 3.4.8.
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ok it's no "blank page"
It's displaying fine with the Protostar template, so it's something with your Joomla template, module setup, whatever (no Fabrik issue)

Edit: you don't get anything on any menu item on your site with your Joomla template
You are right. Something is up with my template. I'll figure it out. Thanks for the swift help.
Okay things are working now. The problem was that I was using the wrong content Layout in the template manager of the template. It came from Joomla Bamboo. Everything works fine now. Cheers.
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