Form PDF Template not displaying id or date_time

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I have a pdf template which outputs all elements I need but the id of the record. Using

<?php $this->element = $this->elements['id'];?><?php echo $this->loadTemplate('element');?>


<?php $this->element = $this->elements['date_time'];?><?php echo $this->loadTemplate('element');?>

in default_group.php which displays blank.

Please advise where I am going wrong here. Thanks.
Yes they are hidden - changed date_time to not hidden and still doesn't show. Also have

echo $this->loadTemplate('group_hidden');

at bottom of script after all groups. Is there something here I need to do?
Okay got it - create an element with calc to create id number not hidden same as id. This works - but is there a better way in the template code (just out of interest)?
You can set the id element to type field +integer if you don't want it to be hidden.

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